will I live

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She fell to the ground as mark stopped. His eyes were widen and he stared at an lifeless person.

The police soon came and toke the dead body away. You were sent to the hospital and Lucas stayed with you.

Mark was in the hospital but was traumatic. All that went through his head was the scene of you and rosé.

He end up losing some of memory and being put on pills. He still remembers you just not himself. Everyday they would ask him the same questions.

But only one would name would come out his mouth...

Y/n... They weren't sure if they could tell him since they were going to label you as dead. So they told him you were an imaginary and your not real.

Weeks had passed and you still haven't woke up.  It worried Lucas to death but he stayed strong for you. Lucas didn't once leave your side. 

The doctors were sure you would probably die in the last few days because of how close the bullet was.

It was only an inch away from your heart and they couldn't do surgery. It had to find it own way out.

Lucas prayed for you to stay with him. He couldn't lose you too. He already lose too much in the past years and you weren't going to be next.

Lucas was sleeping beside you with his hand locked in yours.

You peaked through your eyes and saw an bright light.  You had no clue where you were.

You were fully dressed. In an beautiful white dress. You sat up and saw the sunlight shinning on you.

The room was no longer an room. You saw the beautiful flowers around you. It looked like you were in an grassy area.

You got off the bed and you felt the grass under your feet. You smelt the flowers as the wind flew the magic by.

Lucas woke up to an machine buzzing. He looked at it and saw your heart rate going down. He immediately pushed the emergency button.

Lucas:' Y/N, Y/N CAN YOU HEAR ME.'

You looked around the beautiful field and  you saw doves. They flew around you as you giggled.

Then out of no where you saw someone.

You looked in his eyes and an smile slowly went cross his face. An tear fell down your cheek as you ran to him.

Lucas:' Y/N PLEASE STAY WITH ME. PLEASE I CAN'T.' the doctors were working on you. Nurse:' sir you have to leave.'

They wete trying to move him away but he wouldn't let go of your hand.

Lucas:' Y/N PLEASE WAKE UP. WAKE UP.' two other doctors pulled him off of you and toke you to an room.

You cried in his arms as he wrapped his arms around you. You:' I missed you so much.'

?:' I missed you too... But you have to go back. I will watch over you ok.'

You let go and looked in his angel like eyes. So peaceful, safe and joyful.

You:' but minghao( the8) I don't wanna leave.' he cupped the side of your face and smiled.

The8:' you are needed and it not time for you to come.' you looked him in the eyes then he kissed your lips softly.( Oh shoot I think I might have to half and half this series.)

The kiss felt like rose petals touching your lips. It was beautiful and soft.

You kissed him back then he let go. The8:' I'm watching over you... I have something special for you... I love you.' he then left and your world was now going dark.

The walls were falling and it was shaking.

Lucas was in the waiting room crying his heart out when he heard.

Doctor:' who is with y/f/n.' Lucas face went straight up and he went to the doctor.

Lucas:' is she fine, is she ok, can I see her now, where is she.'

The doctor looked at him and smiled. Doctor:' your her boyfriend ain't you.' Lucas nodded his head.

Doctor:' well she fine but we have to keep her an few more days. You can pay for her bills at the front desk.'

Lucas:' can I see her now.' the doctor nodded and Lucas toke off. As soon as he went to your room.

He saw you sitting up looking down. Lucas ran straight to you and hugged you as tight as he could.

Lucas:' oh y/n you don't know how much I missed you.' He kissed you as you didn't respond. you slowly pushed him away.

Lucas looked at you weird as you refuse to look him in the eyes. Lucas:' what wrong love.'

You couldn't seem to talk to him. You couldn't seem to bring yourself up to him.

After an few minutes of silence you had now the strength to ask him.

You:' why would you hurt me like that... Lucas.' Lucas eyes went straight to you. He saw the tears fall on the hospital bed.

You:' you hurt me to the core. Do you know that... I thought I found something I wanted at first... You tricked me lucas.'

You looked in his eyes. You saw how guilty, sad, and hurt he was.

Lucas:' i-im sorry.' he tried to touch you but you mouthed no to him.

Lucas stopped and you looked away from him. Your heart was aching inside. You couldn't take it no more.

You:' can you please get mark.' Lucas looked at you. Lucas:' he not in good shape right now.'

You looked at Lucas... Even though it hurted. He didn't want to tell you the truth.

Lucas:' he been on pills since he was traumatic from the scene.' he had to put the truth in but not the full truth.  your heart broke and you immediately tried to get out the bed.

Again the buzzing sound went off as your heart rate went up. Lucas tried to stop you by grabbing your wrist by you still fought him.

You:' LUCAS LET ME GO.' you hit him and he stood there. You were  an wreck. Lucas watched you as cried. Threw stuff and cried again.

You never meant for this to happen to your best friend. You would never want any of this for your best friend. You felt so guilty and hurt .

You:' I should of listen to him.' Lucas looked at you.

You:' I should of just stayed with him... I should of listen.' you layed back down and Lucas went back to his seat. 

He watched you as hours passed and you were asleep. Soon he got up and kissed your lips. The taste of his lips always wanted you to want him more.

He then packed up his stuff and left. After an minute or so. You got up. You made sure no one was around the room or no cameras were either.

You toke the IV out your arm and got up. You grabbed your clothes. You got dressed then slowly...

Thanks for reading my fanfiction and PLEASE VOTE/ FOLLOW ME. YALL HAVEN'T BEEN DOING THAT. ONLY ONE PERSON HAS. so please do that and I might change the cover cause ( spolier alert) an new character coming. Thanks for the support and love. All love 💖


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