
15 0 14

Taeyong:' we best leave them alone or we will end up like the rest of everyone who got in there way.'

Lucas:' but-' haechan:' you were the dumbass not us.' doyoung was about to hit again but he had an point.

Doyoung:' he right and whatever you did to her.' haechan:' he cheated.' doyoung scold haechan.  doyoung:' it's your job to fix it.' yuta:' I told you all rosé was trouble.'

Ten:' yeah I remember when she tried to get with me.' Johnny:' are you seriously in his food.' he groaned at ten.

Ten:' he said I could. Right Lucas.'  everyone turn to Lucas. Lucas:' no... I didn't.' ten:' aww are you sure. I thought I...' Lucas:' no.'

Ten:' you said...' Lucas:' I said nothing to you.' ten:' I could eat anything.' Lucas shook his head and ten made an oh face.

Taeyong:' well we have to get going. Bye Lucas.' they all left and Lucas went to his room.

You were eating pancakes with wonwoo watching you. You:' you want some.' you put up your fork. He shook his head. Wonwoo:' no I'm good.'

You put the fork back in your mouth. You:' if you say so.' wonwoo:' why were you escaping the hospital anyways.'

You stopped eating and wonwoo watched you closely. You:' i- ' then y'all heard an knock at the door.

Wonwoo got up and he put his hand back behind his back. You went back to eating. Wonwoo open the door and you heard yelling.

You:' UMM IS EVERYTHING OK.' then everyone went quite. You put your plate in the sink and when you turn around you were met with an tall man.

You could say he was handsome, in good shape. Everyone ideal type. Then you heard an scream. Then another one came behind him. Wonwoo finally came in.

He was talking to someone. Wonwoo:' oh y'all this is y/n... My girlfriend so don't touch her. Or I kill y'all.'

You were greeted with an big smile. ?:' hi I'm dk.' you smiled back at him. ?:' hey I'm Vernon the handsome one.' he made an geature and you giggled.

?:' and I'm mingyu.' you looked up at him. He smiled at you and you smiled back. Wonwoo saw your reason to him so he went to you.

He hugged you tight and it caught you off guard. Wonwoo:' oh babe.' he kissed your cheek. Then he stand beside you.

Vernon:' so when are we doing business.' wonwoo:' oh yes. Mingyu you go up stairs with y/n so me and the rest can finish work.'

Wonwoo then left your side and the rest did too. You and mingyu went upstairs to your room.

You sat on end of the bed and mingyu sat on the other. You:' so... What you do for living.'

You turn to mingyu and he came closer to you. His face was now inches from yours. You back up but he just came closer. ( Ok tbh I was just going to do an one shot right here and they hit it off but I can't do that to my man wonwoo. Even tho their not dating fr.)

Soon you were laying on the bed with mingyu on top of you. He was so close to kissing you but you couldn't let him.

You fake an cough and on accident. You spit in his face. He soon sat up and you felt bad.

You:' oh I'm so sorry let me get an wipe.' you went out the room and came back in. But this time on accident. You closed the door shut. Mingyu saw this as an opportunity.

You came to him and tried to wipe his face but instead he pulled you on his lap. You:' umm.' you then felt something hard under you.

You:' I think I should leave.' you tried to get off of him but he wouldn't let you. Mingyu bit his lip.

You wipe the spit off his face and mingyu lay back. He put his hands on your hips. You:' I think I heard someone call me.' ( hold up I might idk. I'm weird but this ain't me. ( Well it is) it's my inter side I never use taking over now.)

Mingyu:' you better hurry and get ruin of it before he see.' you hesitate but then he was right. What if he kicks you out for seeing mingyu like that.

You:' I rather take my chances.' you got off of mingyu and Mingyu sat up. Mingyu:' well we have to get ruin of this.' you:' wait I have an idea.'

You went out the room and came back. You threw an ice bag at his stuff. He groaned. Mingyu:' that hurt.' you:' keep it on their. Then you will lose it.'

Mingyu:' how you know.' you:' I don't.' mingyu just give you an ' well.' Look. after about an few minutes. It was gone.

You toke the ice bag from him and put it in your bathroom. Mingyu:' you know your the first to reject me. Girls kill to just look at me the way I looked at you.' you:' well I'm not other girls and I have wonwoo anyways.'

Mingyu laughed. Mingyu:' I don't how you got him but if you got him. You must be special.' you smiled at him then heard the boys walking up the stairs.

Wonwoo:' so yeah. We will attack them at the Mac building.' dk agreed and when they open your door. He saw you standing across the room and mingyu sitting on your bed.

Dk:' hey y/n.' he gave you an huge smile once again. You smiled back and wonwoo walked towards you. Mingyu:' so did y'all do it.' he got up and wonwoo pulled your hand.

You all went down stairs. You all went in the living room. Mingyu sat down on the couch.

Wonwoo:' yeah we figure it out.' he sat down and put you in his lap. He then wrapped his arms around you and put his head on your shoulder.

Dk:' we talked about when and where.' Mingyu:' yeah' while them two was talking. Wonwoo whispered in your ear.

Wonwoo:' did mingyu do anything to you.' you turn to him and he looked at you. You:' no. We just talked about me and you.'

Wonwoo:' did he make any smart remarks.' you nodded. You:' yeah he said he wonder how I got you.'  wonwoo shook his head and turn back to the boys.

Mingyu:' what day again.' wonwoo:' when we all figure it out.' dk:' well I guess we are staying here. So no playing around in here ok you two.'

Dk laughed and mingyu looked at y'all. You:' yeah of course.' mingyu:' I will slept in the guest room then.' you were about to say something but then.

Wonwoo:' yeah and Dk will sleep in here with Vernon.' you all turn to Vernon and saw him knocked out.

Dk:' I'm fine with it so goodnight mingyu and you love birds.' Mingyu headed upstairs to the guest room. You and wonwoo headed up to his room.

When you went inside. Wonwoo handed you some of his clothes. Wonwoo:' wear these.' you went into his bathroom then got dressed. When you came out. You saw an half naked wonwoo.

His shirt was off and he was wearing shorts. You quickly got in his bed. Wonwoo was right behind you.

Wonwoo:' come closer to me because I know how mingyu is also dk.' you went closer to him. He wrapped his arms around you and you lay like that until you both fell asleep. Everyone was asleep but...

Thank for reading my fanfiction and please vote/follow me. All love

- nctxmonstax

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