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( I had forgot an character. Which was s.coups. I was going to put the whole hip hop unit but I forgot him. Oh well rip s.coups.)

Everyone was asleep but Vernon. He woke up and... He went into the kitchen. He made himself an sandwich and ate it. ( Lmao I got y'all) then he went back to sleep.

You woke up to sounds. You tried to sat up but then you heard an groan. Wonwoo:' lay back down.'

You:' do you hear that.' wonwoo nodded his head. Wonwoo:' it's Vernon he always does that.' you nodded then lay back down with wonwoo.

When the morning came. It was peaceful and quiet. You and wonwoo were wrapped in each other arms. It was the perfect morning.

Vernon:' aye wonwoo.' Then wonwoo head shoot up. Vernon:' umm we going to get breakfast what you want.'

Wonwoo:' nothing just get whatever y'all are getting.' wonwoo lay his head back down. Vernon:' aye y/n.'

You:' hm.' Vernon:' you want something to eat.' you yawn and buried your head in wonwoo chest. You:' whatever y'all are getting.'

Vernon gave y'all an thumbs up and repeated what y'all said. Vernon:' I want anything y'all want.' Vernon:' oh I want anything y'all want. Well your both an perfect couple.'

He then shut the door close and you both were alone again. Wonwoo woke up and you were still asleep. He saw you wrapped around him and he smiled.

He grabbed his phone and played with your hair. He texted some people while playing with your hair. After about an few hours. Wonwoo fell back asleep and you woke up.

You sat up and felt an pull on your waist. You looked down and saw wonwoo. You unwrapped his arms around you.

You got out the bed. You washed your face then went down stairs. You went to the kitchen and saw some food on the table.

You ate it ( ok I'm in the mood for an chicken biscuit.) You then sat down on the couch. You heard the boys walk in.

You looked at them and they smiled. Dk:' where wonwoo.' you:' he still asleep. Do you need him.' that's when you saw an whole bunch of people come in.

Your eyes went big. Dk:' yeah please.' you went upstairs. You went to wonwoo side and shook him.

You:' wonwoo your friends are here.' wonwoo groaned. Wonwoo:' tell them to leave.'

You:' but their alot of them.' wonwoo then groaned and got up. You looked at his chest and saw an red mark. You:' what that.'

He looked down and saw the red mark. Wonwoo:' an mark on how I was sleeping.' he stand up in front of you. You looked him up and down.

You just realized how perfect he looks. From head to toe. You wonder why he didn't have an girlfriend already. No wonder mingyu said I must be special.

( Oh my gosh. I can't. He so perfect.)

Wonwoo:' it would be better if you moved.' you rolled your eyes and moved.( Now I see why) Wonwoo got dressed then looked at you.

Wonwoo:' you need to get you some more clothes but for now. Here these.' ( ok I was looking at wonwoo ideal outfits and I found this)

' ( ok I was looking at wonwoo ideal outfits and I found this)

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( I mean I ain't mad but... WHERE THE OUTFIT I WAS LOOKING FOR!?!
I mean I like what I'm seeing but what does outfits have to do with it. ?????????????????????? )

So here the outfit your wearing.

You put it on

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You put it on. You:' where did you get this. It's cute.' you looked at yourself and wonwoo went to you. He put his hands on your shoulders and whisper in your ear.

Wonwoo:' my old girlfriend.' you turn to him. You:' wait you had an girlfriend.' wonwoo laughed. Wonwoo:' yeah.' you:' ok.

Wonwoo grabbed your hand and you both went downstairs. Before you both hit the stairs. You turn wonwoo around. You fixed his hair then you both went down.

?:' hey wonwoo.' you stay back and wonwoo went to them. He seem happy. Everyone had forgot about you but wonwoo made sure they knew you.

Wonwoo:' umm that is y/n my girlfriend.' you waved and they all talked.

?:' your pretty.' he blushed. Wonwoo:' AHH hoshi stop flirting with my girlfriend.' mingyu patted his back and they all laughed.

?:' im Joshua your saver.' he smiled and you smiled back. ?:' woozi' ?:' hello I'm sorry s.coups the leader of th-' wonwoo looked at him.

S.coups:' this pack.' You smiled. ?:' are we supposed to tell her about the other members too since their not hete?' s.coups turned to him.

S.coups:' they won't be back anytime sooner so nahhh.' you all laughed then wonwoo said something.

Wonwoo:' Dino go upstairs with y/n.' Dino:' but I don't want too.' they argued until mingyu said something.

Mingyu:' I WILL OK.' wonwoo:' NO HOSHI WILL. GO HOSHI.' hoshi looked at them and saw how mad wonwoo looked.

You:' wonwoo...' he looked at you. You:' can I talk to you in private.' wonwoo looked at you like you were crazy then turn back to them.

( wait I know he just- what-...) You:' wonwoo.' he ignore you and you ran upstairs. S.coups:' wonwoo don't you think-' wonwoo:' she fine.'

Dk:' so what are we going to do first.'

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