chapter one

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Bip, bip, bip.

Newt growled at the high-pitched sound of his alarm, awful thing waking him up for another day of school. And Newt hated school.

He used to love school though. Well, not the school itself, but he loved having something to do of his days and also meeting up with his friends. But everything was different now. Because Newt got hit by a car two months ago and his left leg got really, badly hurt and never got better, in spite of all the reeducation he had at the hospital every day for a whole month. Of course he had been able to walk again, even without crutches. The next step was to make that limp disappear, along with the pain.

But honestly, nothing got better. Newt knew that he wouldn't make huge progress in only a month, but he hadn't enough strenght in him to fight more, and he quickly found himself demotivate. He was heartbroken, ashamed of himself and he didn't want to do anything anymore. He wanted to curl up into a little ball on the floor, stay there forever and forget that he now had a disability. Thing Newt had a really hard time to accept.
He soon stopped going to those reeducation sessions, in spite of his parents' insistency. He never went back and just didn't care.

At school now, everyone was looking at him and his limp like it truly was something funny to laugh at, and they didn't even try to be discrete.
Newt really wanted to drop school, just for the rest of the year. He was way too weak, mentally and physically, to handle those idiots who laughed at him, pushed him, insult him. Even though Minho stayed by his side, he wasn't able to handle this anymore. He was angry, angry at everything and everyone. He was heartbroken.

Newt growled even more when he heard knocks on his door, while he had decided to go back to sleep and skip school today. His mother didn't wait for an answer and entered the room, sitting on the bed next to him.
''Honey? You have to get up, or you'll be late.'' she said, softly rubbing her hand over his son's long blond hair.
Newt didn't look at her, just kept staring at a random spot in his bedroom.
"I don't want to go.''
His mom let out a sigh, feeling sad for her baby boy.
"I know, honey, but we have a deal, remember? Either it's school or it's physiotherapy. You can't drop both.''

His mother really wanted his son to keep going to the physio, she was worried about his leg but she and her husband had tried everything, Newt simply refused to listen. She couldn't let him drop school too.
She kept staring at Newt until he said something.
''Yeah, whatever.'' he sighed.
Newt's mother got up, chewing her bottom lip. She walked towards the hallway, closing the door behind her. ''Get dressed, alright? I'll drop you to school.''
Newt eventually got up a few minutes later, and his leg immediately started to radiate in pain, all over in the leg but also in his waist and lower back. He tried to ignore it, gritting his teeth. He quickly undressed, threw his pajama on his bed and looked at himself in the mirror. Before he knew it, small tears rolled down his cheeks. He hated what he saw, he hated his body and that scar on his thigh.
Newt felt trapped inside of his own body, trapped with an infinite anger looping in his veins. His mouth started to slightly tremble as he got more and more angry and suddendly, his fist crashed straight into the wall.

Newt used to be calm and he used to never get violent. But he wasn't like that anymore. Now, for Newt anyways, he was a little ball of anger, fears with one broken leg.


School today was worse than usual. Minho wasn't there and people took advantage of that. He was alone in class, and at lunch. People made him fall twice. Laughed at him all day. He tried, so hard, to ignore, to be stronger and smarter than those idiots. But that was enough. He got no patience anymore.
''I'm fucking done.'' Newt whispered to himself before rushing out of the building. He started to walk his way home, breathing heavily in the cold air of February. Grabbing his phone more aggressively than he needed to, he dialed his mom's number. He started rambling as soon as she picked up.

''Mom! I'm done! Fucking done! I'm not going back to school anymore!! I give up! I'm not going back to fucking school this year!!!"
Out of breath, Newt had to stop and sit down on the floor. He had walked fast and forced on his legs. His breath was shaky and hard to manage, his whole body shaking of cold and nervousness.
''Honey? Where are you righ-"
"I'm okay to start the physio again if that's what it takes to never go back to this living freaking hell." he interrupted.
"Oh." his mom said, taken by surprise. "Okay sweetheart. We'll talk about this tonight. Where are you? I'm coming to get you."
''Nearby the gaz station by the school.''

He and his mother drove back home quietly, Newt trying to calm down because he didn't want to be tough on his mom who was always so kind to him. They talked about the physiotherapy during diner, with his dad, soon coming up with a deal relatively easily since Newt really didn't want to go to school anymore. He'd rather die.
Newt wouldn't have to go back but he'd have, instead, to go to his sessions everyday until the kinesitherapist judge it was enough.
He'd also have a new kinesitherapist, because the last one was a real jerk who made him feel even more tiny and weak than he already felt.

Later that night, the boy slumped under his blankets and stared at the ceiling. He was sad. Sad that this had happened to him. It wasn't fair. He was sad that all of his friends, excepted for Minho, had left him. He was also sad to be tough on his parents, even if he didn't mean too, he just didn't know how to react differentely anymore.
And finally, he was sad that he couldn't dance his emotions away. That's what he used to do, everytime he'd got upset, he'd dance like crazy until it felt better.
But he couldn't do that anymore, could he?
Unless he danced only with his arms, sitting on the edge of his bed, like baby Groot dancing in his flowerpot.
He already was getting upset about the physiotherapy but now, he had no choice, and it couldn't be worse than school anyway, now that he'd get a new doctor.
Newt closed his eyes, hoping that his new physiotherapist would be nice enough for him to calm down and really work on that leg.
He hoped things could go better somehow.

❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁
nda note : just so you know, our sweet boy Thomas will be introduced in the next chapter already. I hope you liked this one. Baby Newt needs some love :(
Also! Some chapters will be short like this one but other chapters will be twice as long, depending on the events 💛

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