chapter two

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When he woke up the next day, Newt felt terrible. All kind of emotions rushed through his body. He was happy, because he wasn't going to have to go to school anymore and face those idiots all day ; but he felt jittery about the physiotherapy. He felt tired just at the thought of the stretching, and exercises he'll have to do, who were actually very painful.
Trying to encourage himself and gather the most of strenght he could, the boy got up and glanced at the clock. It was 9 o'clock and he had to leave for the hospital at 11, so he had time for a shower and a nice breakfast.
That's what he did. He took a shower, washed his hair, then got dressed - he chose a comfy and large pant which wasn't going to be too hard to take off.
He then had breakfast with his mother, his father already gone to work earlier in the morning. His mom worked at home so she and her son were used to spend time together.

''So honey, I called the hospital to let them know we're coming back today. They're happy you've decided to try again.''
''Kay." Newt said, eyes riveted on his phone and mouth full with cereals.
Miss Isaacs smiled at her son, even though he wasn't looking. Reaching up, she stroked her son's forearm. So much love and kindness were legible in the mom's eyes.
''I'm proud of you sweetheart, you know that?"
Newt nodded, eyes still glued on his phone. Anita bit her bottom lip, not knowing what to do anymore to connect with her son. Since the accident, he was uncommunicative, withdrawn. She kind of understood, but she still wished he'd open up, because she was concerned, he was her boy after all. She sighed, thinking the best thing to do was to give him some space.
''Okay. Well anyway, your new physiotherapist is a certain Mr. Edison. I hope it'll go just fine. Hurry up, we're leaving in ten."

And with that she left to wait in the living room. As soon as her mom walked through the kitchen door, Newt put down his phone and sighed loudly. Closing his eyes, he let himself rest against the chair back. He hated being cold with his mother but he didn't know how to be nice and warm anymore, cause all he knew was anger. He knew his parents probably were hurt by his behavior but he just couldn't help it.
Newt opened his eyes again and glanced at the window. It was snowing, as usual, which he didn't bother.
The boy pushed his cereal bowl away and prepared himself to leave. He tried to imagine his new doctor while he tied his shoes. "That name, though, Edison?" He thought, frowning. "Sounds like a old creepy jerk to me."


The hospital smelled like medicine. Newt hated it. He also hated another thing about hospitals:  being looked at with pity.
''Great.'' he said to his mom. ''At school, people stare at me and laugh, here they stare at me with pity, like i'm so kind of baby dog hurt on the side of the road. And all of this might last forever cause we don't even know if that limp is going to disappear.''
''Honey," her mom sighed, ''stop it. Nobody is looking at you like that. I bet they're looking at you because you're handsome.''
Newt rolled his eyes. "Whatever.''
''And stop with those whatever! I already told you. It sounds like you've swallowed a ''whatever'' dictionnary and can only use that word.''

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