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Hey everyone.

I owe you an apology.

I know I let you guys down. It's been over a year that I haven't updated the story, and you didn't deserve to be left like this.

I don't know if anyone will read this and I would understand if you don't. But I feel like I need to explain.

Truth is, stuff happened in my life, stuff still happens now. But about a year ago, I really, really couldn't see any way out of everything.

I tried writing the next chapter for months, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get anything done, or write anything good. I wasn't okay enough to give you guys a good story.

I had to leave, to get my life back on tracks.
I've been dealing with anxiety issues and co. for my whole life and last year, some..events made everything worse. Adding this to my physical health condition (chronical migraines), I couldn't keep up with my life.

I started going on therapy about one year ago. It kind of helped me. I'm better now. Some days are better than others but it is definitely not as hard as last year.

I'm so deeply sorry that I have let you guys down, because you've always been so kind and supportive to me, and you didn't deserve this.

I kept thinking of you and kept telling myself to shake everything off and give you a story but I couldn't.

This morning I finally felt ready to give you the next part. I don't know if any of you still wants to know what happens next cause obviously, you guys probably moved on from this. But I'll post the next chapter today anyway in case you wanna know the rest of the story.

I'm sorry again and I love you all for your kind words 💛 I hope you are all doing okay.

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