chapter eleven

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Newt's mom was outside when Thomas got there. He parked in front of the house and hurried to meet her on the porch.

''You shouldn't have waited for me outside, Anita, it's freezing." Thomas said in a apology.
''Oh no, I wanted to. I didn't tell him you were coming. Thank you, by the way."
''He...doesn't know?" Thomas asked, surprised, and suddenly a lot more nervous.
Anita smiled and opened the door. They both stepped inside, Thomas already taking his coat off.
''He doesn't." she said, her voice really quiet, like a whisper. "But don't worry. It'll be okay. Just...try to talk to him. Sometimes he needs someone to...shake him up. He's upstairs, first door right in front of you. Here, let me take this," she told him while taking his coat.
Thomas nodded and quickly looked around as if it could make him less nervous.
Something didn't feel right. It wasn't supposed to be like this, not with Newt. It was supposed to be easy. He wasn't supposed to be scared at the idea of talking to him.

"You okay?" Anita asked when Thomas didn't move. "You can always come an other day you know. I'm not forcing you into this if you aren't ready."
"No, I... I really want to talk to him."

He took a deep breath and walked towards the stairs, playing with his hands. It was a weird feeling really. It was like his brain couldn't quite comprehend what he was doing.

The house was beautiful. Simple and cosy. You could see a big garden outside the windows. Family pictures were hanging on the wall by the stairs, which Thomas noticed when he started to climb them but he didn't really pay attention, as he tried to focus on his breathing.
He got upstairs rather quickly and looked down to Newt's mom, pointing at the door. She nodded and gave him a thumbs up, which Thomas found adorable and kind of reassuring.

Alright. You got this.

After a minute he knocked on the door. And as soon as he did that and heard someone moving inside he wished he could run away and hide somewhere. It almost felt like his legs would take over and run for him.

Okay okay focus, focus it's just New-

"Newt." He said as the door opened. And there he was. Standing right in front of him with his hair messy and the same oh beautiful features.
He seemed tired, though, and the more Thomas stared at his face the more he could see that. He seemed angry, too. It felt really weird to Thomas to find anger where he used to find comfort.

"What are you doing here?"

Thomas tried to stay still and hold his head high despite the cold tone in Newt's voice, breaking his heart.

''I want to talk to you." he said softly.

Newt raised an eyebrow. ''Oh yeah? What for? You're gonna tell me how perfect I am and how I don't need fixing ?" He said sarcastically. ''Cause then you can leave." He said while going back to sit on his bed.

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