chapter six

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It had been a week and a few days now that Newt had met Thomas, and his leg wasn't hurting as much as it used to before the physiotherapy. Thomas was so great at his job and so gentle to Newt that it only brought benefits in the end. Newt wasn't so jittery about the physio anymore, he really did all he could to get better, and Thomas had magic hands that really helped Newt's leg. The limp was still there, though. Newt wondered a lot about it, mostly when it would disappear, but decided to give it more time because he trusted Thomas. The boys also got closer but they were still very shy towards each other.

On Tuesday, Thomas called Newt ''love'' at least three times, making the boys's heart flutter and their cheeks turn pink, but Newt didn't say anything and kept calling Thomas ''Tommy''.

On Wednesday, they held hands again, fingers intertwined, for the exercises, both of them happy about it but none of them said anything.

On Friday, Newt had a really hard time with the stretching. He had walked a lot the day before, because he went shopping with his mother, and forgot to stretch before he went to sleep. So Friday, when Thomas stretched his leg, Newt was taken by surprise and screamed in pain. That was really hard as he somehow got used to feel not as much pain as before, and Thomas noticed the small tears leaving Newt's eyes. He immeditely got up and pulled Newt into a hug, saying how much he was sorry because he didn't know it'd hurt that much and if he had knew, he'd have been way more gentle. Newt kinda felt surprised, but safe inside Thomas's arms, almost like home, like it was meant to be this way. He hugged Thomas back.

Day after day it went like that, just a pure tender loving care without them telling each other how they felt.
Now it was Sunday and the weather wasn't so bad, so as Newt didn't have physio today, he decided to go out with Minho and catch up about everything. They went to town and walked, did some shopping. When Newt's leg began to hurt, they stopped in a coffee shop, and as Minho was about to sit at a table, something - or more someone, caught Newt's eyes. Newt quickly grabbed his friend's arm and rushed outside of the coffee shop, his heart beating faster and his face red. Minho didn't say anything at first because he was surprised, but asked Newt what was going on as soon as they stepped outside.

''Just keep walking!" Newt responded in a hurry.
''God Newt what's wrong?!"

Newt didn't let go of Minho's arm until they were far enough from the coffee shop. They didn't stop walking as Newt snatched his phone out of the pocket of his coat and opened the Facebook app.
Minho frowned and looked at his friend questioningly, but Newt's eyes were glued on the screen, so Minho took a look as well.

''Thomas Edison ? Who's that?"
''My physiotherapist, Minho.'' Newt said, annoyed.
''Holy?! He's so young! I thought you were stuck with some old dude again.''
Newt didn't respond.
''Okay and? Why did we leave the coffee shop?"

They stopped walking and Newt closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose.
''Okay...something is up with you.''
''He was inside okay? Thomas. He was inside with some chick." Newt said, annoyed, his arms falling on his side. Minho's eyes widened and he gently taped Newt's chest in surprise.
''Dude! Don't tell me you have a crush for your doctor ?"
Newt glanced at the building, afraid he might see Thomas walked out of the coffee shop - but he didn't. He grabbed Minho's arm and continued walking anyway.
''We're the same age, alright? He's cute, and kind to me, and gorgeous. And we somehow got close. Stop with your smile, nothing happened. And it doesn't even matter because he apparently is taken already. By a girl.''
''Newt, you don't know that.''
Newt stopped walking again and snatched his phone out of his pocket, again.
''Oh really?" he said, tapping on his screen really fast. He then turned the screen towards Minho. ''Who's that then? Same chick at the coffee shop."

The two friends started walking again, quietly, and decided to go home since Newt wasn't in the mood to laugh or chat anymore.


"You really hugged him ?" Teresa squealed, looking at his brother who radiated in happiness.
''I did! Tess, I just couldn't help it. And he hugged me back, you know! We talk a lot, about our lives and what we love, he's so.. he's an angel." Thomas said, playing with the spoon in his cup of hot chocolate. He looked at the cup fondly and wondered if Newt liked hot chocolate. Newt Newt Newt.

''You're in love, Tom.''
''Oh, stop it." He said, giggling. ''Oh, Tessa. You should see him. He's so kind and he's doing so well with the physio. It's painful for him but he never gives up. He keeps doing all he can to get better. He's a warrior.''

Thomas wrapped his fingers around the warm cup and enjoyed the warmth feeling. He missed Newt. He loved talking about Newt, especially to his sister, who really cared about his feelings and loved to listen to him. Teresa was the person he loved the most, well, now along with Newt. Except for the two, Thomas didn't really have friends. He felt lonely, sometimes. His parents were gone already. The friends he made at school didn't stick with him when they graduated. He didn't complain about it though, because he had Teresa and they always sticked together, even when they both moved in their own appartement.

''Why don't you add him as a friend on Facebook?"
Thomas's eyes widened and he lowered his cup after drinking a sip of his cocoa.
''I can't, Tess ! He'd know I spied on him."
''Oh, come on, everyone does it.''
''Yeah, but not everyone has to fight not to make their crush pictures their lockscreen.''
Teresa laughed and took her brother's hand.
''Tom, he hugged you back and kissed your cheek. I'm sure he likes you too. You're so kind and you're handsome. Give it time, I'm sure Newt will open a bit more.''


Later that night, both Newt and Thomas felt lonely, curled up into their respective beds and thinking about each other. They had to wait to see each other again and that felt like an eternity for the boys. Newt sometimes checked Thomas's facebook profile and Thomas did the same with Newt's but none of them asked the other as a friend.

to : teresa💃 : he'd never love me, tess...
from : teresa💃 : tom, I told you. give it time. he'll love you back, if he doesn't already

to: minho 🐒 : that chick definitely is his gf.
from : minho 🐒 : newt come on. you don't know that. it can be his cousin, sister or anything. i'm sure he likes you
to: minho 🐒 : yeah right. he's like super hot, it'd be a miracle if he was gay too. AND wanted to be with me
from : minho 🐒 : you're sexy too. if I was gay i'd date you, my dear lad. give it time, ask him discretely

Newt turned off his phone with a million questions in his mind and so did Thomas. Newt looked at the snowflakes turning in the air before slowly crushing on the window, as Thomas turned off the light and stared at the glowy stars on his ceiling. He decided to call every one of them Newt because Newt shone as much as stars do. He closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

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