chapter seven

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Newt stood awkwardly in the waiting room of the hospital, where Thomas was going to show up in a few minutes. He was pacing nervously, listening to Minho yelling into the phone.

"Happy birthdayyy to youuu, dumbassss...."
''Minho, I-"
"Happy biiiiirthdaaaay toooo youuuuuuuuu...."
''Wow, what a talent, Minho." Newt said, glancing at the physio room door.
''Yeah I know. So? Do you wanna hang out tonight? I know you don't want a party but still, we can go to the theater or something?"
''I don't know yet Minho I-"

Newt trailed off as the door suddenly opened and a little boy and her mom walked away, Thomas following, but stopping by the door, smiling right to Newt.

''Listen Minho I have to hang up, Thomas's here, I'll call you later alright?"
''Good luck my dude!"

Newt quickly hung up and walked towards Thomas, his heart beating faster in his chest - as usual when Thomas was involved.
''Hello there,'' Thomas said when Newt was closer to him, ''how are you?"
He leaned in to kiss Newt's cheek. He didn't wait for any kind of answer and grabbed Newt's hand, dragging him into the room. He closed the door behind the boy and walked towards his desk.
''I'm uh - I'm fine.'' Newt said, flustered. ''You?"
''Really fine, thank you love.''

Seeing Thomas standing there, in his black teeshirt and blue jean, made Newt forget about Thomas's sister - which Newt still believed was his girlfriend. Nothing else existed but Thomas.

''I didn't see your mother with you.'' Thomas said, his eyes riveted on his favorite patient's file.
''Y-Yeah, don't worry, I'll take the bus." Newt said, taking his tracksuit off and sitting on the table.
''Absolutely not."
Newt chuckled and smiled for himself at how cute Thomas was with him.
"There's something you forgot to tell me, Newt."
Newt stared at Thomas, his heart missing beats as he didn't know what Thomas meant.
Thomas stopped walking when he was standing in front of him, his body inside of Newt's legs. He put his hands on each side of Newt's shoulders and looked into his eyes - and the boy thought he was about to faint.

''Your birthday.''

Newt almost sighed in relief and shook his head slightly, his eyes still locked with Thomas's. So he knew it was his birthday - he probably saw it on his file.
''Happy birthday.'' Thomas said softly, running his thumb over Newt's cheek, slowly moving his hand to his forehead, where his fingers pushed a strand of hair to the side.
''Thank you, Tommy." Newt simply said. He was in awe. Thomas was so close. Their legs were touching and Thomas actually was touching his face so softly. So close. Thomas smiled again.
''And my birthday boy is not taking the bus on that special day.''


The exercises went well, as usual. At the end of the session though, Thomas had to insist for Newt to accept his birthday gift - a back massage. Newt refused at first, because he was really shy and didn't like his body.

''Come on, Newt. I'm a physiotherapist. Don't you think I can take care of your back? My massages are like heaven." Thomas said, giggling.
The boy finally convinced him, and so Newt had lay down on his stomach for twenty minutes, almost falling asleep because of Thomas's massage - which felt like paradise. Thomas put all of his heart into the massage, and he almost let those words slip out of his mouth. He had to bite his tongue not to say it but it's all he could think of.
I love you. I love you. Iloveyou-Iloveyou-Iloveyou-Iloveyou.

The massage ended, for the boys's misfortune, except Thomas didn't feel sad - he knew today wasn't over for them. He had planned something.

The car drive went as usual, the boys talking about everything. Thomas also innocently asked Newt if he had planned something for his birthday.

''I didn't." Newt said, which made Thomas smile - 'I already knew that', he thought.

When Thomas pulled outside of Newt's house, he turned his body towards the blond boy.
''Be ready for seven."
"W-What?" Newt said, a frown on his face.
''Be ready for seven. I'll be there for seven and one minute."
''Newt," Thomas said to the boy who, clearly, didn't understand what was going on, "trust me.'' he said softly, and leaned in to kiss Newt's cheek again.
Newt stared at Thomas for a minute and then nodded, before he got out of the car, his thoughts messy and his heart fluttering. He turned to wave at Thomas before walking into his house. Thomas waited for him to close the door before sending a text.

To: Anita : thank you again for letting me drive Newt home, Anita. I'll be there for seven :)
From: Anita: you're such a sweet boy. Thanks to you Thomas :)
To: Anita : no problem !


Thomas waved at his last patient of the day at 6 o' clock and thanked God he still had an hour to prepare himself before his date - well, ''date''. Thomas knew it wasn't a date. Not yet. But still. He had taken a bag with him this morning, with things he could use to get clean, comb his hair, brush his teeth, and of course some nice ouftits because he wanted to look nice. No, not nice. Sharp.
He changed into a black skinny jeans and leather boots, put on a blue navy sweater and that was it really, a simple but sharp ouftit. He didn't want to be too much. He combed his hair or at least tried, but finally gave up and let it be. He brushed his teeth, put some deodorant, and perfume on his neck.
And then it was only twenty past six.
Thomas sighed, as the stress began to kick in. He quickly cleaned up his work space and got out of the hospital. No one said anything to him on his way out, except for two or three workers he barely knew, he didn't really have friends in here anyway.
When he slumped into the seat of his car, Thomas began to wonder if it was a good idea. Maybe Newt would think he was lame or invasive. He thought about calling Teresa, but he didn't. A weird feeling of loneliness found its way onto Thomas's mind, so he took a few minutes to sort things out on his own.

Thomas started the car ten minutes later and drove to Newt's place. He was there five minutes earlier than planned, but waited for the clock to turn seven, to knock on the Isaacs' door.

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nda : hello everyone, I wanted to apologize for the slow updates, i'm really busy and trying my best but i'm not in the best place with myself lately. so I wanted to apologize if i'm taking this slowly!
I hope you're all okay 💖 and enjoying the story. Thank you to everyone reading, voting, for your comments... it makes me so happy. Hugs!

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