chapter fourteen

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It had been a week since the boys went ice skating. A week since Thomas told Newt about the idea of going back to school.

Later on the skating day, Newt had slept over at Thomas'. They had done a few exercises for Newt's leg, but not so much. Mostly stretching and massages. Thomas couldn't stop telling him how proud he was that Newt gave the rink a chance. They talked a lot about school, too. At first, Newt wasn't so sure about the idea. When he thought about school, or rather about the other people at school, all he wanted to do was running the opposite way.

But as Thomas had pointed out, his leg did feel better. His limp was smaller.

And as Thomas had also pointed out, March would be over really soon now. Not so much time left until the year'd be over, and Newt'd be graduated. At least he hoped so.

''And you won't be alone in this, I'll be here always, and you'll be with Minho all the time,'' Thomas had said, hope blossoming in his body as Newt seemed more and more into the idea.

Newt had raised his eyebrows, pulling Thomas closer to him as they were sitting on the couch.

''You remember Minho's name?" he had asked, curious. ''I only talked about him like once, for two seconds tops,'' he had said, chuckling, thinking about how sweet it was that Thomas remembered small things like that.

''Of course I do,'' Thomas had said while drawing patterns on Newt's arm with his fingertips. ''I remember everything about you.''

''Oh yeah?" Newt had asked, a challenging expression on his face.

''Oh yeah!" Thomas had said back with a laugh. ''I remember your favorite color is soft blue, like it sometimes is on the windows when they're icing from the snow. I are an aquarius and you think it's the best sign ever. I remember you're a Slytherin, at least that's what Pottermore says. I remember that your favorite animals are dogs and tigers,'' he had smiled.

''I also remember how you pretended not to see me walking in the hallway, on the first day you came to physio," Thomas had said last to tease Newt -- which obviously worked, resulting in a pillow fight. But Newt had found himself lying on top of Thomas soon enough -- as there was only one pillow on the couch -- and as he couldn't stop himself from kissing him right now anyway.

Newt had told Thomas that he'll go back to school when he noticed there were more pros than cons about it. Thomas had literally jumped on him when he said that he'll go back and he had given him the biggest hug.

Thomas was right, Newt had thought.

He wasn't alone. He had Minho. And him. And his limp was smaller. Everything would be just fine.

The boys had to talk about it to Newt's mom as well. Anita had been surprised, but delighted with the news. She felt so, so proud of her son. And so proud of Thomas, too. As she looked at him, sitting next to Newt, she had thought again about how angry and sad Newt used to be, not even two months ago.

But that was before Thomas came into his life. She had thought about how Thomas was able to make Newt happy just like that. About what a wonder he was. She couldn't have wished for another boy for her son.

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