chapter ten

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Newt got out of his thoughts with knocks on his door. For the third time today. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, trying to calm down so his voice would sound as kind as possible to his mom.

''Come in, mom."

It didn't sound as peaceful as he wished but it'd do. It's not like he had tried to hide his bad mood these past few days anyway. The door opened and his mom stood there, with Minho, for Newt's surprise.

''Hey man. Glad to see you're not dead."
''Newt, you have to stop this. It's been a week. You don't go out, you barely speak or eat, you don't go to school nor physiotherapy, and now Minho shows up to our house worried you might be dead, because you haven't shown any sign of life lately. This can't go on."

Anita's tone was pretty serious. Not worried, but serious and maybe a bit angry. She had been worried the first days after the date, she had been the kindest mom possible, but Newt didn't show any sign of effort. He wasn't sad - or else he would talk to her about it, eventually. Anita could tell he was angry. He took it out on her and she couldn't accept that, especially since it wasn't fading away. And also because he was angry over a misunderstanding.

''I'm sure if you talk to Thomas, everything will work out." she said, well aware of the storm she would cause, but at this point, Newt needed to hear those words.

''I don't want to talk to him. How many times do I have to tell you that ?!" Newt said, his voice cold and harsh.

His mom sighed, coming into the room and taking a seat at her son's desk ; Minho stood awkwardly next to the door, not knowing quite well what to say or do.

''Newt... You can tell me I'm wrong all you want but I know you care about this boy and he cares for you too. And you made huge progress with him. Don't be stupid. You can't shut everything out over a misunderstanding."

Newt, sitting on the bed, looked up to her and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing, before he let himself fall on his pillow.

''Do we really have to talk about it in front of Minho?"

''Yes. Because he's also worried about you."

''Man, I thought you were missing. You haven't answered me in days. You gotta talk to us." Minho said quietly.

''Well sorry, I didn't feel like talking to anyone." Newt mumbled, pulling the blanket up to cover his chin.

''Next time, you can tell me. At least I'd know you're alive." Minho answered, clearly annoyed. "Come on man. Have you even showered ?"

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