chapter thirteen

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''You sure you don't want to stay?" Thomas asked as Newt put on his coat. 

He smiled at him, looking at his tired features and his messy hair. ''You can stay and sleep a few more hours, I really don't mind. I can always come by later at your place for my keys or you could even stay here all day if you-" 

''Tommy,'' Newt interrupted, pecking his lips right after, ''you're very kind but I'm gonna head home while you're at work.'' 

Thomas nodded and pressed his lips together. His heart was kind of racing. He didn't want to go to work alone and leave Newt. Sometimes when you leave someone even just for the day, they don't always come back as they told they would or as they planned to do. Sometimes they just leave and you don't even know what happened and-

"Hey," Newt said, raising Thomas' head up with his fingers. ''I'm not going anywhere. We can always meet later," he said with a smile. 

Thomas softly smiled back and let go of a breath. ''I'd like that,'' he answered, coming closer to wrap himself around Newt. 

Thomas drove Newt home. It was early in the morning and still pretty dark outside. The cold stung Newt's cheeks when he got out of the car after saying goodbyes, so he quickly walked inside, waving at Thomas before he closed the door. 

''Hi honey,'' Newt heard his mom say as he took his coat and shoes off. He turned around and smiled at her, walking toward the table. 

''Hi mom,'' he said as he sat down next to her. He noticed the proud and curious expression on her face and couldn't help but laugh. ''What?" he asked, giggling. 

''I'm just really proud of you for working this out," Anita answered, nodding and wrapping her fingers around the warm cup of coffee. ''I know it's not always easy for you to...let your guard down." 

Newt smiled timidly, looking down a the wooden table. He then looked up to his mom. ''Thank you,'' he said, ''for this and.. you know. For calling Tommy.'' 

''So are you guys dating now?" she asked, giggling and raising her eyebrows, which caused Newt to burst into laughter. 

''Mom!" he said. ''I mean I guess we are," he added as his cheeks turned into a deeper shade of pink. 

''Good for you," Anita said happily, before taking a sip of coffee. ''Thomas is such a sweet boy." 

"He is," Newt simply said, a smile on his lips. 


Thomas got his phone out of his pocket as he walked across the parking lot. He wanted to call Teresa and tell her all about the day before. 

It was almost 9 am. He assumed she'd be up, on her way to work as well or maybe on her way to drop Cassie at the preschool. 

Teresa picked up as he walked into the hospital. 

''Hey you," she said. She sounded tired which got Thomas worried. 

''Hey Tessa," he said, "how are you? You sound tired." 

''Yeah," Teresa said, sighing. ''Cassie is sick. Nothing to worry about but it is still exhausting. Your little princess gets to spend a whole week home with mommy," she said laughing. 

''Give her a big hug for me okay?" Thomas said, frowning because he didn't like knowing Cassie was sick. 

''Okay," Teresa answered. "What were you calling for? Is everything okay?" she then asked. 

''Oh my god yeah. Oh my gOD YEAH!" Thomas said loudly, as he almost forgot why he called in the first place. "Guess what!" 


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