chapter four

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Newt woke up at the sound of his alarm, like every morning, except today he didn't bother to get up. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw the snow falling from the sky through the curtains and stared at it for a while, finding the sight beautiful, the perfectly sculptured snowflakes melting as soon as they touched the glass of the window.
Some knocks on the door made Newt got out of his daydream and Anita walked in, finding his son cosily wrapped under his blanket, his long hair spread all over the pillow. She walked further into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed. Newt rolled on his back and smiled at his mother.  

''Hey mom." he said, his voice still a bit croaky from the night.

''Hey handsome. How are you feeling?"

Newt shrugged, causing the warm blanket to cover up his chin a little bit more.

''I'm fine. You?"

''I'm okay.'' she said, and quickly added something else. ''Newt... The office called, they need me there all the afternoon today for an emergency meeting.'' she said in a apologetic voice.

''So you won't be there to bring me home from the hospital?"

''I can call grandma if you want to?"
Newt quickly refused.

''No no, it's fine. I can take the bus.''

Her mom softly smiled and got up. ''Okay then. I'll let you get ready.'' and then she walked out of the room.

Newt got ready and quickly ate some breakfast. As his mom had to leave as soon as possible, they left as soon as Newt finished eating, and soon, the boy was dropped at the hospital. He stood outside for a minute, breathing the pure air without any smell of medicine in it, before entering the place. Making his way to the waiting room, he felt nervous and he was very aware of his tummy doing flips.
He sat down and looked at his phone : it was only 10:20. He had to wait 40 minutes all alone. Great.

The boy played on his phone for a few minutes and looked up when he heard a door slam. His eyes widened and his heart fluttered when he saw Thomas walking away from that same door, looking stunning in his blue sweater and black jeans. He started to panic for some reasons, and wished he could disappear. He felt ridiculous, sitting on that chair waiting for him.
He was about to get up and run to the toilets to hide when Thomas turned back and noticed him. Too late.

''Newt!" Thomas said happily, surprised to see the blond boy already here.

Thomas noticed how his tummy slightly tingled. However, he kept walking towards Newt who was getting up.
He finally stood in front of him and had no clue how to act, like, should they shake hands? Thomas didn't want to shake hands. It would felt weird. But he couldn't kiss him either so it definitely felt weird. Balancing on his heels, he decided not to do anything.

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