chapter eight

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Newt almost threw himself out of the window when he heard knocks on the door. Shit. How was he going to do this? What should he expect? Diner? Movies? Stargazing date? Was it even a date?
Newt sighed as he looked at himself one last time in the mirror and walked downstairs relucantly. It wasn't that he didn't want to see Thomas, it just felt weird to see him alone, outside of the hospital, for his birthday may he add. The boy couldn't have been more nervous.
He saw Thomas standing by the door with his mom, looking beautiful as always, and praid the lord for his heartbeat to slow down - at this rate, he would pass out in five minutes.

He noticed the small smile Thomas gave him as he walked towards them and smiled back, air caught up in his throat.
''Hi," he said, looking at Thomas and trying to give himself a composure despite of his nervousness.
''Hey Newt, you ready?"
Newt nodded and checked his pockets - he had his phone, carts and keys, he was ready.
''Have fun honey," her mom said, making him blush, ''don't do anything foolish."
''Mom-" oh my god. ''Yes mom."
Thomas giggled as they both walked out of the house and got into his car.
Newt turned to face Thomas, his face red of embarassment.
''W-what? Is it that obvious?" he mumbled.
''Don't worry. I am too."
Okay, Newt thought, caught up by this sudden honesty.
An uncomfortable silence fell into the car while Newt tried to calm down. It's Thomas. Tommy. You have no reasons to be afraid.

''I'm sorry," he said after a while, "it's just... it's the whole idea of a date that paralyses me-.."
Newt trailed off when he realized what he had just said and truly thought about throwing himself out of the car.

oh. my god.

''So, it's a date?"
Newt's cheeks turned even redder when Thomas turned his face to him, beaming.
''I- I don't know I just.." Newt stuttered, ''I don't know if you want it to be..a date..I mean.. it slipped out.."
Thomas giggled and reached out for Newt's hand, squeezing it tightly.
''I mean don't you have like...a girlfriend already.."
''What?" Thomas said, bursting into laughter. ''Why would you think I have one?"
''I..don't know?"
''Love, let me tell you something : I only have one woman in my life and that's my sister. And I will never have another woman in my life, if you know what I mean."
Newt smiled, looking at his lap and shaking his head. So he was single.
He tried to find words to answer but nothing came as he thought, mouth hanging open, looking now right ahead at the road.
''So, is it a date?" Thomas asked again, hoping Newt would say yes.
''I... do you want it to be?"
''I'd like it to be, yeah.''
Newt felt his heart squeeze and his tummy tingle as Thomas said the words, rubbing his thumb over Newt's knuckles.
''Then I guess we're on a date." he said with a smile, feeling himself relax.


"So where are you taking me?" Newt said as the boys got out of the car. Thomas had driven to town, town beautifully lighted by the lights hanging in the trees, by the lights coming out the windows.
''Uh, I was planned on taking you to see a movie? I know it's nothing extraordinary but..."
''Oh! Don't worry, I love movies, it's perfect."
They walked close towards the theater, their hands in their coat pockets because of the cold wind stinging their skin. Thomas already had his little nose red, and Newt thought he was beautiful. Like snowflakes. Beautiful, fragile and pure.
''So uh, you have a sister?" Newt said, genuinely interested about the other boy's life.
''Yeah," Thomas said with a wide smile, ''Teresa. I love her so much, she's the only person I've got left.''
Newt frowned, looking at his feet.
''How's that?"
''Oh," Thomas said with a shrug of his shoulders, "our parents are both gone. It's been a while. And uh, I've never been talented at making friends."
''I'm sorry Tommy. I didn't mean to bring painful memories back."
Thomas looked up at him, his eyes full of tender.
''It's okay, love."

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