chapter three

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Newt sighed in relief when he and his mother walked through the hospital door and smelled the fresh air. No more medicine smell. Until tomorrow, at least.
But Newt didn't feel just relieved. He also felt weird. He couldn't stop thinking about Thomas. He wasn't like the others doctors - or boys, actually. He wasn't like anyone he had ever met.
He tried to push him away of his mind though, because he was his physiotherapist, and that was inappropriate to think about him like...that.

''So? How did it go?" his mother asked once they were in the car.
Newt shrugged his shoulders, looking ahead. ''Uh, fine, I guess."

After minutes of silence, which made the atmosphere heavy, Newt decided to try to connect with his mom, as hard as it could be. He wanted to make her happy for once.

''Mom, you know what? It went great, actually. Way better than before. Thomas is really comprehensive and patient with me.''
His mom smirked, and turned her gaze to her son.
''Thomas uh?" she asked.
Newt's eyes widened when he realized what he just had said.
''Oh! Um, y-yeah, it's Dr. Edison's name. He's 20 so he told me to call him Thomas you know, since we're about the same age, or else it'd have been weird but..''
He turned his face to his mom and saw the giant smile on her lips. She even was about to laugh.
"He's pretty handsome, isn't he?" she teased, causing Newt's face to turn red.
''Mooom! No, stop, it's not like that, he's my physiotherapist. And he's not handsome. He's... Alright.'' he said, blushing more and more as he talked.

Yes. He's handsome.

''If you say so.'' Anita said and let her son be, but she knew him very well, and she could tell Newt wasn't as tense as usual. And if he opened to her today, well, he had to feel happier than usual.


Newt plopped on his bed as soon as he got home. The pain in his leg drained all the energy out of his body. He promised himself to ask Thomas tomorrow why  those stretching exercises were necessary if it just brought more pain and not relief.


The blond boy stood still, lying on his blankets, staring at the ceiling.
For the first time in a long time now, he smiled. Usually he smiled not to be rude, or so people wouldn't ask questions or try to talk. But this smile was a real one. Thinking about Thomas made him feel warm and happy in his heart. He kept trying to push him out of his mind, because again, he was nothing more than his physiotherapist, thing is he couldn't keep him out of his thoughts for more than thirty seconds.
He gasped when his phone rang, pulling him out of his daydream. When he looked at the screen, he saw a call from Minho. He didn't feel like talking but he picked up anyway.

''Minho,'' he said lazily.

''Hey dude. Where have you been? Been looking for you everywhere today.''

Newt mentally slapped himself. ''Shit Minho, sorry, I forgot to tell you, I had physio today.''

''Oh really? That's great man. Daddy's proud of you. So you're coming tomorrow or what?''

''Uh... Actually Min' I'm.. I'm dropping school for the rest of the year.''

Newt squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing Minho was going to yell at him, and he really didn't have the energy for this.

''Newt! No! You can't drop school! What am I gonna do without you?!" Minho yelled on the other side of the phone.

Newt sighed loudly, opening his eyes again.

''Minho, it's fine, alright, you've only got a few months left anyway. I'm done with it. I can't face it anymore, not until my leg is fixed.''

There was a moment of silence that Newt eventually ended.

''You know, we can still see each other outside of school."

''I hate you.''

''I know. You wanna come over and watch movies?"

''I'll be there in twenty.''

Minho hung up the phone and his friend sighed, feeling tired and also a bit sad. He felt like something - or someone, was missing and whenever he tried not to think about it, Thomas' face lit up into his mind.
Newt sighed even more and went to the bathroom for a quick shower.

Minho arrived when it was almost 3 in the afternoon, and both boys played video games, and watched a movie til 7 o'clock, time at which Newt's father called him for diner. Minho left and Newt ate with his parents, talking about the same things as usual. Newt told his father about the physiotherapy, but he just told him that it went great - he didn't told him about Thomas, even though nothing actually was to be said. His father knew he liked boys and that was no bother, but Newt had no energy to talk about that now.

He crawled on his bed an hour later, in his pajama, and stared at stupid things on his phone. He felt really lonely though, so he quickly turned it off and went to sleep, that way he could shut his sad thoughts.
Eyes closed, he dreamed about today and felt how his stomach tingled. He found it weird, but also nice, to feel something so warm and joyful. He also felt scared to feel that way, because he didn't know how to face the world if he didn't have his anger armor, as a protection against everything. He was used to it and felt really confused that Thomas could somehow shake that shell he built.
He looked at the stars outside on the night sky, thinking of the tiny moles Thomas had on his face that made him even more beautiful, and soon fell asleep.

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nda : hello there 💖 a little chapter here that maybe is a bit annoying but I needed a transition - also, I'm sorry that I didn't update sooner, I've been through lots of migraines lately so it hasn't been easy. But I'm better now and I hope you're also okay and having a wonderful summer ! 🌞
Thank you to everyone reading the story, I hope you're enjoying it, I can't wait to post more and read your reactions if you have any... I love you all. Thank you ❤️

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