chapter fifteen

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Thomas had never run so fast in his entire life.

He knew the hospital by heart. Thank god he did. He knew right away where he had to go.

He only had to climb two floors. No time to wait for the elevator. He'd just run there.

He received the call five minutes before lunch break. Two minutes ago. 11.57. The hallways were busy at this hour, lots of doctors walking off to their lunch break, patients going down to see their families.

"Thomas, it's Newt. We just got here at the hospital, they're taking him for an MRI-"

Words collapsed in his brain as he tried to make his way between everyone, running as fast as he could. It felt like worry would eat him all up, the world going too fast around him, and somehow too slow at the same time.

He noticed patients and nurses staring at him as he bounced into people in the stairs, trying to mumble 'sorry' as he did, not having time to slow down.

''Anita! Newt!" Thomas yelled as he finally pushed the doors opening on to the MRI unit. There they were. Here he was.

Thomas ran down the hallway, his eyes going back and forth from Anita to the hospital bed.

''Thomas," Anita said, her voice low, as he stopped by the bed. His heart missed a beat as he saw Newt, lying in the bed, unconscious. He reached for his hair with a trembling hand.

He watched, out of breath, an invisible fist squeezing his lungs. He had blood on his face, running down his temple, going into his ear, into his hair. Dried blood on his nose and swollen lips. On his hands.

''Wh..What..What happened ?" Thomas breathed out, still looking at Newt, who wasn't moving an inch. His hands were as shaky as they could be, lingering over Newt, wanting to touch but not wanting to hurt.

He looked up at Anita when he heard sniffles. She held a tissue, her eyes red and puffy.

''He, uh..," she began, "someone at school did this to him," she said, squeezing Newt's arm.

Thomas blinked as his eyes started to sting.

''What about Minho? Why wasn't he there?" Thomas asked, suddenly feeling angry at Minho. He knew it was wrong to be angry at him, but he didn't know what to do with all of his feelings right now. ''Minho was supposed to protect him," he said, clinging at the bed bar.

''Minho was there," Anita said, calm, "he was taken to the police station with the others. To testify," she said, trying to sound strong.

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