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"What do you mean, I'm not going to the Capitol? I have to go! I'm the Mockingjay!"
"Ladies and gentlemen..."
His voice is quiet, but mine rings through the room.
"Let the Seventy-sixth Hunger Games begin!"
Suddenly, she has my wrist in an iron grip. "You have to kill him, Katniss."
"I've asked you here to settle a debate. Today we will execute Snow. In the previous weeks, hundreds of his accomplices in the oppression of Panem have been tried and now await their own deaths. However the suffering in the Districts has been so extreme that these measures appear insufficient to the victims. In fact, many are calling for a complete annihilation of those who helps Capitol citizenship. However, in the interest of maintaining a sustainable population, we can not afford this."
"So, an alternative has been placed on the table. Since my colleagues and I can come to no consensus, it has been agreed that we will let the Victors decide. A majority of four will approve the plan. No one may abstain from the vote," says Coin. "What has been proposed is that in lieu of eliminating the entire Capitol population, we have a final symbolic Hunger Games, using the children directly related to those who held the most power."
All seven of us turn to her. "What," says Johanna.
"We hold another Hunger Games using Capitol children," says Coin.
"No!" Bursts out Peeta. "I vote no, of course! We can't have another Hunger Games!"
"Why not," Johanna retorts. "It seems very fair to me. Snow even has a granddaughter. I vote yes."
"So do I," says Enobaria, almost indifferently. "Let them have a taste of their own medicine."
"I vote no with Peeta," she says. "So would Finnick if he were here."
"But he isn't, because Snow's mutts killed him," Johanna reminds her.
"No," says Beetee. "It would set a bad precedent. We have to stop viewing one another as enemies. At this point, unity is essential for our survival. No."
I weigh my options carefully, think everything through. Keeping my eyes on the rose, I say, "I vote yes... for Prim."
"I'm with the Mockingjay," he says.
"Excellent. That carries the vote," says Coin.
The point of my arrow shifts upward. I release the string. And President Coin collapses over the side of the balcony and plunges to the ground. Dead.
I see him bend forward, spewing out his life, until the guards block him from my sight.

It didn't matter that Alma Coin died. It didn't matter that Coriolanus Snow died with her. We were still reaped. I was still reaped.

"Hunt Dagsfeild!" Calls the reaper from the front of the Presidential mansion.

Ok, so, all of the words in italics before this author's note belong to Suzanne Collins. I do not claim any owner ships to them and if you haven't read The Hunger Games, what are you doing here? Go read that instead. Although this pretty much sums up all you need to know about the last third of Mockingjay so, sorry to spoil. Anywho, I don't know how much this story will be updated with PATC still going on but, it's going to be wrapping up soon. So, have fun with that information. Take care.

~ Tori

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