Runaway Tribute

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We never thought we'd hear those words. "There's been a runaway tribute."

"All citizens and tributes of District Four are to report to the Justice Building," came the call from the speakers placed around the district. I begrudgingly trudged my way to the cold, grey stone building. My eyes scared the bodies around me, searching for Amaris' fiery red hair, no sign of her. I imagined I would find her at the Justice Building, everyone always seems to steer clear of us so, I assumed she'd end up next to me as people huddled close despite the hot weather.

We all watched the platform of the building in anticipation as a crew of men from the Capitol set up video projectors and their respective screens. Then, the show began. There stood President Paylor stood in the comfort of the Presidential Palace in front of a mahogany desk. "Citizens," her cold voice came. "In light of the recent selecting of the tributes, nearly a month ago, one of our participants have decided to partake in an act of rebellion." Gasps sounded throughout the crowd.

"Why were they surprised by rebellion? You all watched Katniss Mellark's games, and then she became the pure definition of rebellion. You all destroyed the Capitol, don't expect us to behave," I thought.

"This tribute will be brought back to the Capitol once found, and detained till the Games." Then, a picture of the missing tribute appeared on the screen. A small face with a sharp jaw, pale lips, and a straight nose, cinnamon brown eyes that had haunted me for the past month, pale blonde hair curling down the girl's neck, Chase Free. "The tribute is known as Chase Free, she escaped from District Two early three mornings ago. One thousand silver pieces and a year ration of food and oil shall be allotted to the citizen who returns the lost tribute." With that, the President faded from the screen, the quiet crowd went into hysteria. People raced to search the district.

"Are you all really incompetent enough to think she'd travel into a district?" "If I were her I would be in the planes above us or weaving through the wildlands in-between the districts." "In fact, I could do the same."

Then, my plan went into motion

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