Sweet Victory

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I was back in the ever-dreaded Capitol by the afternoon. The Victory Speech was to be made later this afternoon and I did have a clue of what to say. I tossed words over and over as much as I could with everything else fogging my mind.

Lunch was minimal as I was running out of time to get ready and could hardly stomach anything.

"Hunt come here! We'll be late!" Vera called from the hallway next to the living room. "Come on you big lump, this is one of the last things you have to do," she said dragging me off the couch, impressive for wearing stilettos. She placed me on the pedestal in the center of the styling room. She handed me a pair of black slacks and a simple button-down white shirt.
"Really going for theatrics here," I commented as I forced on the pants. "I did it for your sake, figured you were tired of all the frills," Vera retorted. She handed me the same oxblood belt and shoes from last night and ordered me to put them on as she passed me on to the rest of the prep team to fix my hair and such.

The limousine moved all too quickly, my mind fumbling over what to say like a toddler with a speech impediment. The stage was illuminated from the front, the sun setting behind it. Thousands of people were seated at the amphitheater, others were milling outside the gate, a full film crew, two massive cameras aimed directly at the podium. I stood in the shadows, waiting for my cue to enter the stage.

The seated people stopped their chatter and burst into applause as I stepped onto the stage.
I lifted the microphone, cleared my throat, and began.

"Good evening everyone," I said gazing above the crowd. "I want you to know one thing before we begin. This will not be easy. Things have not been easy for me since I was sixteen years old. I have lost everything. My mother, my father, my best friend, and my soul mate."
I paused, gulping around the lump in my throat.
"I can't even say that this speech will not be about me, it has to be because they aren't here to tell their stories. That's what I regret most about standing before you tonight, that I have to tell their stories."

"My mother died in the attack on District Two during the war, she was a biochemical engineer, she's was the one who was going to provide the Capital with another superpower, biochemical weapons. Her profession makes her sound like a monster but, my mother was the best person I'd ever known. She was always there for me until her life was taken."

"As for my father, I lost him the day I was born. I don't care to have him back in my life. You'll know him when you see him."

"My fondest memory of my best friend is something I refuse to share. Her fondest memory? Being away from all the lights and buildings in the outer ring of the city, riding our horses from sun up to sundown. That memory was taken away from her when the war started, the arena brought her end. She told me it was better this way. I sat there and thought after I got out, how could this be better?"

"My soul mate. I never would have paid attention to her before the Games, I didn't want to during the Games. I didn't want to lose her wether I knew it or not. In the end I lost her, in the end I lost everything. Can this truly be a victory speech when I have lost everything?"

"My apologies for putting such a damper on your evening but, I have no great story to tell. I am just a boy who wishes to return home but, I never can."

The crowd was stunned, no applause followed for a few moments until I was almost off the stage.  There were hoots and hollers, whistles, and cries from the crowd. Many eyes were decorated with tears from across the memorial gardens that lined the wicker backed stage. I guess my speech had moved them, pushovers.

I was ushered into a car past all the flashing camera lights and reporters asking for interviews.

"One more night in the training center," Vera reassured me in the car. She was right, tomorrow morning I'd be headed back to District Four to live in Victors Village. I was ready to leave the stuffy, overwhelmingness of the Capitol. The calm of the ocean was what I needed.

The journey still wouldn't be done with, in a few weeks I'd have to attend the Presidential Ball. The story would never be over, I'd be a Victor for the rest of my life. If this wasn't the last Games, I'd have to train another scared boy. How could I teach someone to be brave when I was still scared?

Oh boy. It's been a bat shit crazy kinda week. How's everyone handling quarantine? I'm out of school for two weeks so, maybe I can get some quality writing done for you guys. This has been an almost three-year project I think, I just want to do the best I can for you guys. Stay safe and healthy, stay inside, and wash your goddamn hands.


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