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It dawned on me the next morning that these Games were going to be intense. One of the most intense Games in history most likely was revenge after all.

A chill swept through the mountains as if snow was going to fall. I zipped up my jacket and kept my blanket around me for warmth as I ate breakfast.

The Careers would be out in full force today, hunting whatever tribute they can find, especially the one who killed Tycho. I decided that this would be the last morning I spent in this cave. I'd treck through the mountains till I found somewhere else safe but, it wasn't wise for me to stay in one spot, especially with the Careers on the move. I packed up my gear and dismantled my snare and went on my way through the mountain range.

I wondered if anyone had received a sponsor's gift. This year was different from previous Games, obviously but, this year they relied on the Districts for sponsor gifts, not giving the Capitol any way to help us, fair is fair, it's what we did to the District children. I doubted that anyone had due to many of the Districts being on the poor side, even after the rebellion.

That's the thing about this new government; the rebels, nothing has changed, nothing has improved I thought as I walked through the mountains. History only repeats itself, no one learned from what our past government had done, in fact, no one has learned from the ancient times, when millions of people were slaughtered at once, hundreds a day, the only change was the reduction of the numbers of people who died each year, twenty-three people, each year, for seventy-five years. Thousands of children slaughtered.

Snow started falling in the next few minutes, almost coming down in clumps from how heavy the fall was. I needed to get out of here quick, I would die of frostbite of the Gamemakers didn't send something else to kill me first.

I picked up the pace on my trek, the end of the mountain range nearly in sight. Suddenly there was a thundering bang that echoed around the arena. I looked to the sky, grey and overcast but, not a storm cloud in sight. I looked back to the mountain, the rocks shaking. I ran.

I ran along the light path for as long as I could, jumping over rocks and skidding down the mountainsides when the rumbling got closer. Rocks were crashing down behind me, taking the snow with it. I ran and slipped and skidded down to the mountain base just in time for a boulder to be launched over my head. I kept running through the trees, as far away from the mountains as I could get. A cannon went off, I looked around me, there was no one in sight. I didn't stop running until I heard water. I kept going towards the source, dagger in hand. I pushed away some branches and brush to reveal a waterfall and the pond it drained into.

I made my way inside from a break in the water between the waterfall and the hidden cave. I entered cautiously then, there was a blade at my neck.

"I'll kill you," said the voice. Amaris.
"Amaris, it's just me, it's Hunt. Remember? Your best friend."
The blade instantly slipped from my throat, I turned to see her, she said nothing, just pulled me by the waist into a hug.

"I've been hiding here the whole time, I didn't think anyone else would find this," she said after a breakfast of silence. "I had a cave up in the mountains," I responded.
"It's probably buried now."
"What happened?"
"Avalanche. I narrowly avoided it. I'm surprised I didn't twist up my ankles."
"I'm not. You've always been strong."

"Promise me something?" She asked.
"What is it?"
"If you stick around with me or just use this as a place to hide. If we're ever found and I'm on the verge of death. Give me these," she said handing me a pouch.
"What is it?"
"Nightlock, it kills you before it reaches your stomach, I'll use the last of my strength to chew."

"I want my body sent back to District Four," she says to no one in particular. "I want my body burned and my ashes spread over the ocean."
"'Maris, don't talk like that. You could win."
"Hunt, you know I won't. You see what the war did to me," she says twisting her fiery hair around her finger. Boom goes another cannon and Amaris begins to shake.
"Are you ok?" I ask. No response.
I grab her by the waist and hold her till the shaking stops.

"I'm, I'm ok," she chokes out. "Just flash, flashbacks." I instantly know what she means, thinking back to the day the President's mansion was bombed, her parents had died in the explosion, she had been one of the lucky ones.
"It's ok, it's ok," I reassure her, petting her head. She begins to sing to herself, an old lullaby my mother sang to us when neither of us could sleep. I softly hum along with her, soon she's asleep in my arms, she doesn't wake as the next cannon sounds.

It's been so long since we've been like this. I avoided her after the war, I thought I was on my own. I stayed alone when we were reaped, I wonder what's changed me now.

I tell her over our light lunch about the mountain lion. "They'll send more," she says. "Next time they'll be the ones who are dead, they just wanted to mess with your mind."
"How do you think she is?" Amaris asks in regard to Chase.
"Alive," I answer confidently.
"What will you do if it's just the both of you left?"
"I'll die, she deserves to go home. I have no one to go back to, she does."
"That's very noble of you."

We managed to sit and hide the whole day, having the other two quails as dinner before the fallen were announced. I went out to watch as Amaris stayed behind.

The boy from One. The boy from Two, I guess Chase had decided to leave him. The girl from Seven and the girl from Ten had all died today.

"Who was it?" Amaris asked.
"The boys from One and Two and the girls from Seven and Ten."
Amaris just sighed.
"Have you watched the fallen at all?"
"No. I know there's ten dead though. Soon enough it'll be me."
"'Maris stop. You will be fine."
"I trust you but, I know I won't win."

"Have you killed anyone?" She asked.
"No," I lied to her, I couldn't handle her knowing I had Tycho's blood on my hands.
"Good, now let's rest."

I gave my sleeping bag to Amaris and I slept next to her, cold wind howling outside the cave.

Really only the strong ones were left, any weak links would be dead by tomorrow.

Long time no see, eh? I'm probably gonna be slow about getting things out now that I'm back in school so, please bear with me. Have a nice day.

~ Tori

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