The Story's End

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Knives slammed into the target over and over again. The thuds of the blades hitting the board or the clanking of the hilts hitting from where I had planted other blades in the ten zone of the target crashed like waves in my ears. All I could hear was rumbling and screaming. I threw my last knife and let it fall to the ground as it hit another.

Barking snapped me back from my blinding rage. Scout stood proudly at my side, his head thumping against my leg, barking loudly. I knelt down to him and placed my hand on his head, "Good boy, I'm ok, I'm ok," I reassured him. His barking stopped and he leaned in for ear scratches. The ocean waves crashed over the shoreline behind the fence of the backyard.

"Are you alright Hunt?" Vera's voice spoke from the door of the deck. "I heard Scout barking."
"Yeah, I'm ok now."
"Why don't you come in, it's awfully hot out here."
That wasn't a suggestion, that meant to come in and take a breather instead of throwing knives. I collected my set from the ground and settled them back in their sleeve.
"I made lemonade," Vera said as she took the sleeve from me.

Having Vera with me was one of the only things that kept me from ruining myself. The first few months I had been here by myself, surrounded by silence, it drove me crazy. The house at the end of Victors Village in District Four was a mess, as I was the only resident. Vera called, I didn't pick up. She came here herself, cleaned me up like she always had, and has been here ever since. Scout was a new addition to our hodgepodge family and I don't know what I'd do without either of them.

Tart lemonade slipped through my lips, the massive German Shepherd laying at my side. Heels clicked through the hall as Vera came to join me at the dining table.
"You remember that guy at the President's Ball that nocked over the champagne fountain?" Vera asked, sensing the tense aura of the air. I snickered at the memory, the smile felt odd but, nice to grace my face.

The President's Ball had been, an experience to say the least. After all my time in the arena, I finally realized how disgusting it had been, the way the Capitol ate and drank and partied, while the District's suffered. You know what they say, seasons change but, people don't. I ended up donating a large number of my winnings to the mayor of District Four to help better the District.

"Had you thought any more about picking up a job?" Vera asked.

"I don't need it but, I could do with getting out of the house. I have had an idea though."

"Your ideas always impress me."

"I want to donate whatever that man with the flower stand would need to build a shop, he's brought a bit of peace to my world since I'd been willing to go outside again."

"I'll walk with you tomorrow to find him, I could use the fresh air," Vera offered.

I nodded her way, backing the chair away from the table.

The next morning Vera and I set out to the district square to catch Mr. Alanzo before he set about his rounds.

"Mr. Alanzo!" I called from the other side of the square. "Hunt!" He called back in joy, recognizing my voice.
"What brings you by this morning? It's awful early," Mr. Alanzo asked as Vera and I.
"Good morning to you too Vera."
"What brings me by, Mr. Alanzo is that I want to repay you for all the things you have done for me."
"I'm afraid I don't quite understand."
"I want to donate the rest of my winnings to you to open your own proper store."
Mr. Alanzo stared at me in disbelief for a few moments before his eyes welled with tears. He took a step forward and clapped my back in a hearty hug with his large arms.
"Thank you," he said, tears cracking his voice.

From there the plan was set in motion, Mr. Alanzo and I built the shop front he ground up, with some help from a few of Mr. Alanzo's buddies. Business at Vivid Visions was booming in no time and there I was, behind the counter greeting each customer with a smile. A bouquet of wildflowers sitting next to my side.

Oh my god. That's about all I have to say. This has been a journey. A fantastic, amazing, heartbreaking, beautiful, emotional journey. Thank you all for following on this ride with me. This is the end though, this has been almost a three-year-long story in the making but, I'm pleased to leave this where it is. Thank you all again.
I'm going to upload some behind the scenes types of things from planning for this story just to let you guys see the madness.
Signing off for the last time on this book.

- Valkyrie

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