Held Like Cattle

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We ran like dogs as soldiers dropped from the aircraft. The border was in sight, if we could cross the border, they couldn't touch us.
We ran faster and faster, till there was a sharp pain in my side, I tried to fight it. I fell to the ground, I saw Chase fall beside me, then there was darkness.

My eyes force themselves open, my brain in a state of pure chaos. Where were we? Had the gotten us? Did we cross the border? I scanned my brain and blurry surroundings for an answer. We were running, then the sharp pain. "They tranquilized us!" My brain came to a sudden realization. I knew where I was now, strapped to a chair in the Capitol cruiser, Chase breathing steadily beside me. A stale silence hung in the air till the message came, "All crew and prisoners prepare for landing." They had gotten us, captured us like slaves, brought us back to our pens like animals. The fire in my body said to fight but, my rationality said it was no use, so I sat still, a fire biting within me.

Upon landing we were jerked from our seats, handcuffs placed on our wrists and ordered to march forward, constantly being pushed by the butt of a gun if we fell behind. We were ushered into a building I didn't care to try to recognize, forced into an elevator and taken to god knows what floor. Everything was too bright, I still wasn't coherent, even when we were forced to show ourselves to the president.

"My my," the president spoke. "What brave little rebels. It seems not too long ago I was in your place. I haven't considered any serious punishment for your defiance but, you will be held here at the Capitol, we can't trust to put you back into your districts. You will have access to meals, and other accouterments. You will not be permitted to train till the other tributes join you in three days and you will be under constant surveillance. I believe it's a fair deal but, do not expect the Games to be easy for you young tributes," the president finished and then we were ushered to the place we would stay till our partners joined us, the Tribute Training Center.

"There's no point in running, do not try to escape," the guards spoke before leaving us to the bottom floor of the penthouses. "Don't worry, we don't need to run now, this may be just the beginning but, this is enough for now, our faces will be in the press, people will know us enough," Chase said, leaving me in the blue of what the hell was going on. I didn't question it, it was better not to. I finally found a reason for running, the food of the Capitol. Before you call me an idiot hear me out, we're losing thousands of calories a day in the arena, food is scarce, they have to kill us one way or another. So, the more you eat before the Games, the more fat you have to survive on. I was a fairly skinny kid, my mother always said the same thing so, the plan seemed as good as any other.

Chase and I roamed the penthouse in silence, exploring the vast space, better than anything the Districts could have given us. "So, what was Four like," Chase said across the penthouse, breaking the stale quiet. "It would have been peaceful and quite scenic had it not been for all the protesting of my presence and all the filthy District dwellers," I answered. "You really are one of the Capitolists, aren't you?" She asked as if not expecting an answer.
"You're not? That's treason..."
"It was treason under Snow," she interrupted.
"I was never a huge fan of where I came from. I was the corrupt ways of the Capitol under Snow, yet, here we are just following in his bloody footsteps."
I didn't even bother to argue. She was one of them, she had no pride in her homeland, she saw the Capitol as overrated, I saw it as glamorous and glorious under Snow's name. She saw the Games as corrupt and unnecessary, I saw the Games as a punishment for those who did wrong. I guess the new government finally figured that out too. Here we were, complete opposites, I had no reason to associate with her yet, here I stayed. Always coming back to those cinnamon eyes.

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So, getting a little interesting isn't it? Stay tuned guys. Good things are yet to come. I'm so excited to pan this all out for you guys.

~ Tori  

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