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Doomsday was upon us, or so it seemed. The Capitol was prepping with defenses and security measures, seeing as the tributes would arrive a few hours later.

I had actually quite enjoyed Chase's company and wasn't looking forward to being stuck with Amaris again. She may have been my best friend before the war but, the war had changed her. I assume it was from trauma and not being able to go back to her old life, there were lot's of people like that in the Capitol but, those people were ordinary citizens, they would receive aid for their troubles and disabilities, Amaris would not.

They treated the tributes as a parasite, a disease, something that wasn't supposed to be alive. They fought for change and never changed anything. Amaris would go on, struggling and fighting till the trauma eventually killed her or drove her insane. She was a victim, no one ever believes the victim.

Despite my silent protesting, we were still escorted to the train platform where we would join the other tributes. The public was quiet and solemn, not like previous games where the crowd would cheer as the tributes walked to the beginning of the end. I scanned the faces scattered below the raised platform, most were teary-eyed and families of tributes wept as they saw their children for the first time in a month. Among the crowd, there was a pale, bland and tired face, sandy hair that seemed to be coated with grease sprouting from the person's head. His eyes were green, scanning the crowd for something that interested his damaged mind. I never did find out why he stood in the crowd that day but, there was my father, not even bothering to glance at his own son.

The tributes were escorted to the lobby of the training center and the families were ushered with them for their final goodbyes. I stood alone, not expecting my father to join me. I watched the crying families huddling together.

I almost wished my mother was with me but, this would be too much for her to bear. I just wish I could have had one last hug. One last warm, loving, motherly touch. I was her baby boy when I was young, the war forced me to change. I knew I was on my own when she died the day the rebels attacked District Two. My father wasn't coming back, he was looking for a scapegoat to get away when I was born but, sixteen years later he finally got to escape. Two years later here he was, he was probably drunk and lost but, he was still there.

I chose not to contemplate on it much more, it wasn't worth it to waste my time wondering why my dead beat father was around. Time seemed to move in slow motion as families were dragged away from their children and tributes were ushered to the Remake Center.

I was shaved, from chin accept for a little stubble, to my ankles. My hair was cut and swept up and away from my face. Eyebrows plucked, more painful than I thought but, at least I wasn't like some of the crying boys. They basically removed any impurity that was visible. I was washed and scrubbed down like a toddler who didn't know how to bathe himself. My nails were clipped and anything else these women could have thought to have done to me. They introduced themselves but, I was blindsided by all the lights and equipment, their names were Venus and Kortina I believe, there was another male I think, he was quite though, I think his name was Ezran.

"Alright, we're all done!" Venus said cheerfully. "Let's go to meet Vera!" Kortina cheered as they rushed from the room to get my stylist.

Three days, that's all we had before we were to stare death in the face, and here we were, playing dress-up.

nuf gnivah er'uoy nehw seilf emiT

It's short and shit, I know, sue me. I've probably said this story is gonna be a slow burn and I hope that doesn't disinterest you. I try to add a little something intriguing so that you guys stay interested in the story through each chapter but, I promise The Games will come soon and will leave you guys breathless. Until then, best wishes.

~ Tori

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