I Do

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"Welcome! Welcome! Welcome back citizens of the Capitol and all those watching at home!" Cesar Flickerman's voice boomed into the crowd of cheering people.

"Tonight, let's be honest, we all know what we're here for but, let us chat for a moment. It brings tears to my eyes to see so much joy in one room for this very special man! One who has become the Victor of the most monumental Hunger Games to date! He has overcome trials and tribulations, tests of his physical and emotional strength. He has lost all but, gained so much!" Ceaser cheered. My breathing began to labor, a grimace across my face but, a pale flush warming my cheeks.

"Smile!" Shouted Vera from behind me.

I put on my best charmer as Ceaser's last opening line erupted from his mouth. "You know him, you love him! Let's give a warm welcome to Hunt Dagsfield! Champion of the Seventy-Sixth Hunger Games!" Ceaser stood from his seat, I took a final breath and stepped confidently onto the stage. He grabbed my hand and lifted it as if I wasn't already being shown off to the entire world.

We took our seats on the warmly lit stage, spotlights shining in my eyes. "So Hunt, welcome home! Tell me, how does it feel to be back in the Capitol?" Caesar questioned.
"It's refreshing. A change of pace and scenery from the arena. Definitely happy to have the food again," I toyed with fake charm.
"Well, that's delightful. We have a bit of time before the recap of your Games begin so perhaps you could tell us a bit more about you?" Caesar asked, looking at the crowd for a response, a maelstrom of cheers and whistles came from the crowd.

"Well Caesar, there's not much to tell. I'm eighteen years of age, one of the eldest tributes. I was born and raised in the Capitol, though my mother worked in District Two. There's not much to say about my father. I lived a quiet life before the war and that's really all."
"I'm sure your parents are delighted to have you home," Caesar commented.
A cord struck in me, my mother didn't know I was home, she didn't know I had left. What do I say?
"Well, in actuality, I'm on my own. My mother passed when District Two was attacked," the words slipping through my lips before I had even processed what I was going to say. A gasp escaped from the crowd.
"I'm very sorry Hunt, that must have been difficult for you," Caesar said.
"It was but, she was a wonderful woman who gave me the chance to do extraordinary things. I'm sure she's smiling on me, she knew I'd do what it took to live," I finished, eyes welling up the crowd, Caesar even wiping away a tear.
"Indeed she is," Ceaser ended the topic.

"Now, how about that little scandalous escapade on the rooftop with a certain young lady?" Ceaser asked, a tease in his voice.
"I loved her, I still do. What more can I say?" I answer simply, the crowd erupts with 'awes'.
"There must be more. What made you fall for Ms. Free?"
"I don't really know what to say. There was a connection, her eyes just drew me in and I fell in love with her fighting spirit," I answer reluctantly, attempting not to let any more details slip away.

"That's very sweet. Now, we've stalled enough I think," Caesar laughed to the audience. "Let us begin the recap of your monumental games."

The film began to roll on the screen in front of us. The camera pans around the foggy arena, the sun only shining on the silver cornucopia. The tubes rise from the ground, the camera focuses on my face, then Chases', Amaris', Silver's, and Atlas'. The clock counted down, five, four, three, two, one, the gong range through the arena and we were off. I tensed in panic when I heard the sound, the camera zipping between my back running off into the woods and Chase's face zipping towards the Cornucopia, completely unbothered by the chaos around her.

"She's gorgeous," I whisper under my breath, a knot in my throat forming at seeing her again. "It must be strange seeing her again," Ceasar commented. "It is, but she's as beautiful as ever. I only wish I could celebrate with her," I faltered in my speech, the crowd erupting in "awe's".

The games progressed, covering my attack from the mountain lion, then later showing that Chase had been attacked by a wolf, it's dark pelt the color of my hair and it's eyes blazing green.

The film showed my knife slamming its way into Tycho's head, my eyes tightened shut and I shifted in my seat, not willing to watch him die again, not more than the thought plagued me.

Nothing caught my interest more than when Chase was on screen. I made small talk with Ceasar when he spoke or asked questions but, my eyes were glued to Chase's form on the screen like a horse's shoe to its hoof. I had to relive Amaris' death, gripping her token at my neck, tears falling down my cheeks as I sang her goodbye, the life draining from her eyes.

"What do you have there Hunt?" Ceasar asked.
"It's Amaris' token. She was, still is, in fact, my best friend, even if I lost her, she lost herself, to the war, the arena, she was still mine. I lifted the golden seashell to show the audience, a camera coming closer to the gleaming emblem.

Chase and I meet and spend the best few days wed ever have together, we face against Atlas and Silver, the crowd cheers at out victory. I close my eyes as Chase speaks, the last words she'd ever say.

"Mourn me not for I am gone, celebrate the life I have lived. Celebrate the life we have lived," she was speaking directly to me, she knew thousands of people would see her last words, but it was as if they had all disappeared and I could reach out and touch her, just one last time. "Don't forget me. I am not so far away, I will be by your side, and in your heart for the rest of time. I do." She puts down her pencil, writing the last letter, picks up a handful of wildflowers, and lays down next to me, her eyes closed, a hand being the Nightlock to her face, then finds its place on her chest.
Tears rush down my cheeks, I can't keep my facade anymore, I am shaken to my core, grasping at my chest, for her locket.
They take her body from the arena, and then mine, my soul nowhere to be found.

"Thank you, Hunt, for your bravery and sacrifice," Ceasar said sincerely. He took my hand and stood, I followed suit.
"Hunt Dagsfield everyone! Victor of the Seventy-Sixth Hunger Games!" We bowed and the crowd cheered.

I rushed off the stage when the lights went down. I was ready to go home, like a tired child who had missed their nap, but I had nowhere to go. We were driven back to the training center, I spent that night on the rooftop, not caring if I froze to death. I sat in that same porch swing, letting the breeze rock me to sleep as I gazed out at the flower boxes.

Honeysuckle, her favorite.

I actually almost cried while writing this. I dunno if I'm just a sissy or if this is actually that emotional but, god damn. I think my spell of complete and utter writing block is over. I think my brain was actually tired enough to function properly in order to make this. It is 12:15 am and I still have to edit this. It's worth it. Talk again soon. Also, go watch The Witcher, I'll steal your kneecaps if you don't.

Signing off,

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