Journey To The Districts

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(Map of Panem shown above)

Upon entrance to the mansion, boys and girls were separated and ushered into two rooms. They supplied us with clothing based on which Districts we represented.

I was given a white tunic that lacked sleeves and buttoned in the front with a grey undershirt, a pair of light sand-colored shorts with a ludicrous amount of pockets, a thin, brown leather belt and a pair of strappy leather sandals that had straps that stopped at my ankles and wooden bottoms, lined with an animal fur. I undressed and re-dressed in a short amount of time and stayed facing the wall, not wanting to look into the eyes of anyone else.

Most of the boys were already barking at each other in an attempt to form an alliance to make it through the Games. "Idiot's, one of you has to die in the end," I thought. I'd make it through the Games alone, I'd had always been alone. Why make friends now? I wouldn't even partner with Amaris, she was on her own too.

We were then escorted on foot to the Capitol's train station and put aboard a long, white train with a bullet-shaped nose.

Our first stop was District One, how fitting. The tributes stepped off the train to meet with their District officials.

Then the Districts passed on and on out of the train windows until we came to a slow stop in District Four. I stepped from the train before Amaris did, taking a large breath. The air was so thick with the scent of salt that you could taste it. We were taken into the heart of the district by Annie Cresta, our district champion. I kept asking myself, "How can she be of any use to us? The Games traumatized her and she has a son to look after. I'm not going to survive this." Not that I cared about the survival aspect, there was nothing waiting for me back at the Capitol. What did I care about going home?

We were shown to our dwelling, an octagonal hut on the edge of the district, just by the coastline. It was a charming little place with blue outer walls and a glass ceiling but, a little rock garden out front and a lovely polished stone walkway but, it wasn't home, nowhere was.

The inside was decorated with sofas and bookcases of varying sizes, a sizeable kitchen and two separate bedrooms plus a bathroom. "If we're this lucky then what did the kids in District One get?" I thought to myself. Then I and Amaris were left to our own devices.

I was assigned to a fishing unit in the district and Amaris was put to work making fishing hooks, we started immediately.

This is going to be a long month.

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I know it's short. Fight me. I was feeling creative but, couldn't get the words from my head to my fingertips. I tired. Take care.

~ Tori

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