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Trench was beautiful.

Almost as beautiful, Josh thought, as Tyler.

God, did he sound fucking soft right now. But Josh couldn't help it. As the two of them were walking side by side through Trench, he couldn't help but stare at Tyler.

Tyler's eyes sparkled with awe. His chapped lips were slightly parted as he looked around at the scenery. He didn't look happy; he almost never did. Emotion, especially in front of a strange gang, was a sign of weakness. But there was no denying the silent wonder in his eyes.

The blue sky was covered with whispy clouds slowly rolling across the sun, shining so bright it hurt Josh's eyes.

The trench itself was breathtaking, with jagged brown rocks as its walls and green grass speckled with yellow flowers at the top. Small caves and crevices were carved into the sides of the trench. The ice cold river flowing around their ankles sparkled like crystals in the sun.

In the distance, bright yellow flags were blowing in the wind at the top of the trench.

A thought suddenly crossed Josh's mind.

When was the last time Tyler had been outside? Actually outside, not just in the parking lot around headquarters or driving down the interstate with the windows down.

When was the last time Josh himself had been outside? With crisp, cool air filling his lungs, and the sun beating down to warm him right down to his very bones.

Josh took a long deep breath and held it for a moment, his eyes squinting through the bright sunlight. He slowly exhaled and smiled at sheer peacefulness of the moment.

He looked back at Tyler, and his smile grew. If showing emotion was a sign of weakness, he didn't care. Tyler made him happy. And no one could take his happiness—or his Tyler—away from him.

Not even whatever they were about to face.

They'd face it together.

After being kidnapped by the Sinners, then having to witness Tyler being tortured by the Killjoys, he was ready.

He'd rather die than be separated from his Tyler again.

Suddenly, Tyler stopped and held out his hand, signaling for Josh to stop too.

"I thought I heard something," Tyler hissed.

"Maybe it was—" Josh began, but Tyler cut him off quickly.

"Shut up," he snapped. He cocked his head to the side, listening. "I could've sworn..."

Squinting to see through the sunlight, Josh slowly spun around and looked at the trench.

There was no sign of life. Nothing was even moving except for the running river and high grass blowing softly in the breeze.

"Try the thing," Josh said.

Tyler made a face. "What thing?"

"Ya know, the—the thing."

"What thing, Josh?"

THE RUN AND GO : JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now