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Little Clancy was the leader, walking in front of Josh and Tyler while he took them through Trench.

Every so often he would tell them a little fact he learned about the area, about the Banditos.

"Now a long time ago this stream didn't exist," Clancy said. "A little further that way there's a glacier and, uh, so many many years ago horses would walk back and forth, creating what this is here...instinctively knowing that in the future men would wanna come and collect the fresh water and bring it home to their families...and so pre-knowing that, as the horses did that, it created what you see here today."

Josh smiled so much his eyes crinkled close.

Clancy never mentioned Dema again, but a few times Tyler caught him nervously glancing up at the top of the trench.

"And everyone's really nice," Clancy rambled on. "They'll love you. Well, they'll probably love Missile Kid. You're cool."

Josh gave the boy an amused smile. His mood lightened slightly.

"But Mr. Mad Gear sir, uh, no offense, but you're scary," said Clancy.

"Good," Tyler mumbled.

Clancy didn't notice him. He was busy talking to Josh, who had picked up the pace to walk next to him.

Tyler suddenly let out a groan, and Clancy glanced over his shoulder.

Tyler had slipped on one of the slick rocks underwater, falling in the river to his knees and completely soaking his shoes and pants.

"Oh yeah," Clancy casually said. "I'll get you guys some Bandito clothes."

"Bandito clothes?" Tyler scowled as he stood up. "What are Bandito clothes?"

"A lot of camo. Green. Brown. FCE300 yellow, of course. And, uh..." Clancy glanced at Tyler's wet jeans and snickered. "Thicker pants."

"You're wearing jeans too," Tyler said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, but I know how to walk and not slip on rocks," Clancy shrugged.

While Tyler muttered curses under his breath, Josh just watched on in amusement.

As much as Tyler hated to admit, a part of him really liked the kid. He had an attitude.

Clancy finally stopped at the place where the river grew thin and shallow. It kept going, running into a lake further down behind the camp.

"Wow," Josh silently mouthed. Even Tyler was impressed.

The Bandito camp was huge. Something straight out of an action movie, or a music video.

Tan, brown, and army green tents were pitched all over. Along the riverbank, on a large dusty clearing, hidden amongst the forest trees.

Dirt trails weaved in and out of the little village. The sky was filled with smoke from all of the bonfires and torches lighting up the camp.

People in strange clothing—'Bandito clothes'—were all over, talking and fighting and laughing and dancing. Like one big family.

Clancy smiled so big and so wide it made Josh want to smile too.

"Welcome to Trench," he said. He led them into the camp, bouncing excitedly on his heels.

Tyler and Josh stood out like sore thumbs among the Banditos. They were dressed in all black and red amidst a sea of army green, camouflage, and neon yellow.

A new era.

Clancy walked straight through the middle of the camp, past the small tents at the front and a large dusty patch of land Tyler assumed was some sort of training pit.

THE RUN AND GO : JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now