| Chapter One | Apprentices And Masters

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"Opportunities don't happen, you create them."

After the revival of Vincent Magi, things changed rather quickly for Astina. In which now people on constant high alert, the Sky Army deployed to the three Kingdoms, Sacura, Nasia, and the newly founded, the Kingdom of Dragons. Recruits stationed within the three Kingdoms and three cities as well, Void City, Story City, and Alamut. Their goal is to protect the citizens and protecting the towns as well.

Even with the threat of the Magi family, the council isn't letting Seto go so easily. Which is where things start, two weeks after the revival of Vincent Magi.

*Two Weeks after The Ender Heir events*

Cassandra shifted nervously in her spot, she could feel the pairs of eyes staring down at her and she did not like it.

"And you do not know of Master Magi's whereabouts?" Council member Renee asked her. Cassandra shook her head, her hands fidgeting with her jacket.

"No, I do not." She said to them.

"I find that hard to believe." Council member Ryan said. Cassandra looked over at him, she bit her bottom lip.

"I believe her." Another voice spoke. Cassandra looked over at Master James Waglington. "She is only an apprentice, and during the time that Seto was under suspicion, she was at Alamut. So she cannot know when she was not there." Ryan sighed irritated.

"I do believe you are only defending her because of a certain relationship is driving—" Wag leaned forward in his chair, his arm on the table, looking at Ryan.

"That has nothing to do with it." Wag cut him off. Ryan chuckled. Wag narrowed his eyes at Ryan. "Friend or not. Cassandra is only an apprentice, she does not know the gravity of the situation that Master Azdel—"

"Why don't you use his real name?" Ryan snapped. Wag leaned back in his chair.

"Because whether you like it or not, without Seto's help, we would not have made it to the strength we have today and I can use whatever damn name I want, so back off." Wag snapped suddenly, surprising many. He sighed irritated. "And blaming an apprentice for the actions of a Master is ridiculous and unreasonable. An apprentice is like a teenager, they do not understand the world they are going into and need guidance. Guidance from a Master, so pinning the blame on an apprentice for the wrongdoings of a Master is unfair and you are only using her as a scapegoat because Seto has vanished." Ryan chuckled, shaking his head.

"Of course you would think that, of course, you would back up Cassandra because you are friends with Harvey. That is the only reason you are defending her."
He said. Wag felt Phil grab his arm as Wag almost moved to argue back.

"Ryan, this isn't about that, this is about Cassandra," Phil said, trying to calm the situation. Renee looked at Ryan. Ryan shook his head.

"We have to look at the full picture here. And if you four are going to be easily influenced by the past, then maybe you shouldn't be at this meeting." Ryan said. Renee slammed her hand on the table as Ryan was gonna continue speaking.

"That's enough Ryan!" Renee snapped at him. She looks back at Cassandra. "While I do agree with Master James, but Cassandra has been under Master Azdel's teachings long enough that she is not off the hook just yet. And before Master Ryan starts having a temper tantrum at you again, I will speak with Commander Skylen about this, in the meantime, you are to stay in the Sky Army Base, any contact with your Master will result in punishment. Is that understood?" Cassandra nodded. Renee nodded.

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