| Chapter Fifteen | Two Weeks Later

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"Don't judge people by the chapter of their lives you walked in on. They are more then what they seem."

*Two Weeks Later*

"Do you accept our terms, Commander Skylen?"

"No," Sky said. Sky crossed his arms, staring at the Magic Council. "You haven't explained to me why you all want Jason so badly and how Seto suddenly seems like an unimportant objective all of a sudden. Why?!"

"Temper, temper, Skylen. Yes, we still want Master Harvey, but letting General Jason roam free is a mistake. We weren't aware of his power and danger until Princess Rosani informed us of his true nature--"

"What true nature?" Sky asked. One of the members smiled.

"He's the last living descendant of the Wither. A creature that reeks death and chaos, you saw the power of him with your own eyes, it's lucky Master Harvey will survive being inflicted with the curse but we cannot let anyone else get cursed like him. You hand him over to us and you can keep Master Harvey." A member said. Sky's hands gripped his arms a bit, angry.

"Where was the Magic Council whenever I request magic aid? You have some nerve to shout demands at me with the relationship between the Magic Council and Sky Army in shambles! I accept the term of turning over Seto's dark arts books since I don't want those vile things on my base to begin with, that's something I'll gladly do for you! But I will not be turning in any of my Generals! No matter who they are or what've they done." Sky said.

"Rejecting our terms again? Are you sure that's smart?" Another member asked. Sky looked at Renee.

"And here I was thinking you were on our side, but of course I was wrong." Sky said. Sky uncrossed his arms. "I understand the position that the light mages are in, and what sickens me is that you all put the lives of mages over humans when we are one in the same." Renee looked at him.

"I do not--" Sky scoffed.

"Oh really? Then why did you abandon us to clear Void City on our own? And to clear dark mages out of the city no less. I lost a lot of good recruits in that fight and those lives didn't have to be lost if the Magic Council extended actual aid to me then just getting your people out of there and nothing else. I agree that rescuing the Fyre brothers were vital but there were more lives at risk than just simply those four." Sky said. A member stood to their feet, looking mad. Sky looked at them as they shouted at him.

"Commander Skylen, I don't think you realize the gravity of the situation. This is the third time that dark and ancient magic was found inside your base! We demand an explanation for this." A member snapped at him. Adam looked at the member.

"I don't have an explanation for it. This was news to me too, okay? I don't tolerate dark magic in my base at all. But I can't possibly know everything that happens in my base with it being so large and having so many people in it." Adam said.

"You share the same house with General Jason and you had no idea who he really was?" A member asked. Sky shakes his head.

"No, he never shared. He never talks about his past or any of that with any of us. And besides, all of us have our own tragic pasts that we don't share with each other or the recruits. It was never my place to ask Jason his backstory since that is none of my business." Sky said. He looked at Renee. 'But learning that Jason was born into slavery sure explains a lot about him that even I questioned. It explains his night terrors and most importantly those scars on his back. He sure as nether had a more difficult childhood that I had.' Sky thought. "You still haven't explained to me why you all are overreacting about this. What makes Jason so special? Because I'm totally lost at this point." Renee looks at Adam.

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