| Chapter Fourteen | The Wither Curse

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"I may walk slowly but I at least I never walk backwards."

Seto tensed up, he could barely move, his eyes opened slowly, he felt a pair of hands touching him and a gentle and soothing voice speaking to him. Seto's vision is blurry, his head pounding in pain, he groaned, closing his eyes.

"Give him some room, guys!"
"Put the weapons down now!"

Seto could tell that something was happening, but he was too exhausted and sore to care, he almost fell back asleep but he felt a hand touch his cheek, their thumb caressing his cheek. His eyes cracked open, his blurry vision clearing to see Rosani on her knees beside him. She gives him a smile, a relieved smile.

"Hey, don't get up yet, the Magic Council has weapons pointed at you." She said. Seto groaned, his hand lifted up, touching his head, he coughed, Rosani looked around her, magic council guards have spears pointed very close to Seto, looking as if any movement would make them kill him. She looked back down at Seto. She could tell he was discombobulated, he was not feeling too good, she touched his forehead, feeling heat radiating off his skin.

"He's sick—get those damn things away from him! Can't you people see he isn't gonna hurt anyone?!" Rosani snapped. Seto coughed.

"We don't take orders from you, Princess. As soon as this dark mage shows any signs of aggression, he's dead." One of the guards told her. She gripped Seto's shirt, she was irritated, she found Seto unconscious in what looks to be a courtroom, Master Matthew was unconscious too, he was taken to Alamut city as the only reason that Magic Council is even helping the Sky Army is because they want to kill Seto and to rescue the Fyre brothers. But Rosani won't let them hurt Seto, but she can't think of anything that would cut the orders that were made by the Magic Council.

"He's not a dark mage," Rosani said.

"I beg to differ." A guard said. The Sky Army is still in the midst of clearing the city out, but Vincent and Tristan are gone and Jason is nowhere to be seen.

"I'm tired of waiting, let's just kill him, he's done enough to deserve to die." A Magic Guard said. Rosani's eyes widen as the other guards agree, she gripped Seto's shirt. She put her arm over him protectively, covering him from their weapons as her wings extended out, knocking two back.

"Get away from us," Rosani growled. Seto could tell she was mad, mostly at the guards, he touched her arm, trying to calm her down but he knew he couldn't when he can barely sit up without his vision going fuzzy. He didn't understand what was going on with him, he should be able to get up by now but for some reason, he can't.

"Princess Rosani, he's a wanted convict—"

"He's my boyfriend!" Rosani snapped at them. Seto's eyes opened, looking at her. 'W-What?' He thought. Her eyes harden as she glared at them. "You touch him and you'll be declaring war on the Kingdom of Dragons. Is that what the Magic Council wants?" The guards now hesitated, when a royal member dates a non-royal person, the person is deemed as untouchable, they're deemed as protected by the royal family and the Magic Council doesn't want war with anyone when they are busy trying to get the dark mages under control. Rosani looked at each one. "I thought so, so put your weapons away now and I might forgive you." Seto coughed, seeing the weapons being pulled away from him, the guards leaving them be. Rosani looked back at Seto, she turned his head when her hand on his face. "Take it easy, you don't—" Seto winced, feeling a numbing in his arm, he groaned. Rosani looked at his arm. "What? What's wrong?" Seto lets out a shaky breath, she pulled Seto's sleeve up and gasped horrified.

Repentance: Book Two To the Heir Series: TeamcraftedWhere stories live. Discover now