| Chapter Two | Sleep Deprived Sky

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"Always speak the truth, even if your voice shakes."

Sky put his hand through his hand, sinking in his seat as he stared at the paperwork only half finished on the desk in front of him. He groans. 'I don't want to do this, I hate paperwork.' Sky thought. His eyes closed, his mind wondering, but mainly on someone in particular. His eyes open up, he stares at the wooden desk feeling sore in his chest and yet he doesn't get up. 'I...I know I like her. I know I do, but....she'll just be like Alesa and Dawn. And I don't know if I can take another heartbreak or another disappointment.' Sky thought. He put his arms on the desk, leaning on them feeling water forming in his eyes, he wipes them clean, resting his chin in his hand. He tried to finish the paperwork but his mind kept wandering off, not able to focus on the task. He drops the pen, feeling pressure built up in his chest. 'Stop it, crybaby. Just move on already, move on from her! Move on with your life.' He thought to himself.

"Adam." A voice spoke, pulling him out of his thoughts, his eyes widen seeing Quentin standing in front of his desk, looking worried.

"How long have you been there?" Sky mumbled.

"About three minutes now." He said. Sky looked down, trying to hide his broken and exhausted state.

"What is it?"

"Are you crying?" Quentin asked. Sky moved from him, wiping his face clean.

"N-No. I'm fine." Sky said.  Quentin's eyes soften, staring at Sky, he was gonna press the matter and yet saw no point in it when it would be a hopeless effort to even try to get him to talk. Quentin looked down at his desk, at the paperwork in front of him.

"Okay, did you finish the work yet?" He asked. Sky shakes his head.

"No, almost done." Sky said. Quentin went around the desk, looking at it. Quentin crossed his arms seeing it not even close to finished.

"No, you aren't. Are you sure you are okay? You've been out of it for a while now." Quentin said. Sky looked at Quentin and then sunk in his chair.

"I need a break.....I'm so tired," Sky mumbled. Quentin smiled a bit, uncrossing his arms. But he lost his smile seeing the bags under Sky's eyes and his sluggish posture. 'Not this again, I thought we were over him not sleeping for days at a time. Better not let Jerome find out about this.' Quentin thought.

"Than go sleep, I'll finish it. It wouldn't be the first time I've finished paperwork for you." He said. Sky looked at him.

"You don't mind? I'll do it—"

"No, I can do it. Go get some sleep, you need it." Quentin said moving the chair out from the desk. Sky stood. Sky looked at the work and then at Quentin. He was gonna talk but Quentin interrupted. "Sky, don't worry about it. Go get some sleep, you look like you are gonna collapse from exhaustion." Quentin moved Sky towards the door. 'There's no way Sky would willingly go get some sleep, I'll have to force him.' Quentin thought.

"Okay...Thanks, Quentin." Sky mumbled. He smiled. 'Wait, Jerome is out in the hallway....if anyone can convince Adam that isn't Ty to get sleep, it is Jerome.' Quentin thought.

"No problem, get some rest. Actually." He said opening the door. "Ah! Jerome! Come here." Jerome walked over to them.

"What?" Jerome asked. He looked at Sky, seeing bags under his eyes and he is swaying. Quentin grabbed Sky's arm pulling him towards the door.

Repentance: Book Two To the Heir Series: TeamcraftedWhere stories live. Discover now