| Chapter Three | Wrathford Island

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"Things can get complicated, but know there is always a way to decode it."

Her eyes scanned the shelf, stopping on a small bottle, she walked over, grabbing it and looked over at the front counter, seeing the man behind it busy with paperwork. She looked at the bottle, she slipped it into her back pocket, making sure no one else saw. Her pale blue eyes looked back at the man, she stepped back and turned, casually walking out of the shop, she pulled the bottle back out, stopping after gaining distance between her and the shop. She inspected it. 'Anacane.' She read to herself. She has blue eyes with wavy raven black hair, a long-sleeved grey shirt with the sleeves up hidden underneath a black vest and wearing black combat boots and a sword strapped to her side. But as well as a black cloak with the hood up to cover her face.

She put the bottle back into her pocket, she left the town, walking into the woods, but following a pathway. But after a few minutes, she stopped hearing movement behind her. She looked over her shoulder, seeing no one. Her eyes narrow, her hand settled on her sword hilt. Her eyes looked at the ground seeing footprints that aren't hers. She turned around fully, she took a few steps, her eyes looked behind a tree, not seeing anyone but seeing a shadow on the ground of someone. She let go of her sword, leaning down and grabbing a dagger from her boot, she was about to throw it when a furry arm went around her waist, a blade touching her throat. She dropped the knife and grabbed the furry arms.

"I wouldn't do that." A voice growled in her ear. The figure from behind the tree stepped out. Her eyes looked at them and she laughed.

"Of course it is you, and the one behind me must be General Aceti." She said.

"Are you Alyana?" Quentin asked crossing his arms. She looked at Quentin.

"Why would you like to know?" She snapped.

"Because you know the location of our friends, we do not. So where are they?" Jerome asked.

"How do you know that?" She asked him. Jerome puts the blade against her throat, the cold metal making her flinch and tense up.

"Rumors. So where are they? They were supposed to be on the other island, but instead, they are here. And we would like to know why." Jerome said. Alyana's eyes look at the blade, she could feel Jerome's claws in her arm, she knew he wasn't one to anger.

"And what if I decide to keep quiet cause I don't trust either of you?" She asked.

"Than I'll cut out your voice box." Jerome threatens, pushing the blade harder making a cut on her throat. She gritted her teeth, Quentin stepped forward to try to calm Jerome down but knew it would be pointless.

"Vincent attacked them on the other island, forced them to come down here after Seto was injured protecting Rosani."

"Is that why you stole that bottle from that store instead of paying for it?" Quentin asked. She looked at him.

"Life has always been rough here, everyone on the mainland could care less about us, including that no good King Max who owns Wrathford. But Kings like to forget we exist." Alyana said.

"You do know that Nasia is going through a famine," Quentin said. Alyana nods.

"I'm plenty aware of that. After all, there is little to no food here because of it making people starve to death." She said. Quentin looked at Jerome. Jerome tightens his grip on her.

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