| Chapter Eleven | Jason's Battle Plan

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"Even a pawn can take a king."

Jerome stared at the city, Alyana stood beside him, talking to a recruit, she looked at Jerome.

"You know, we could just give up...half the city—"

"No, Alyana. We can't give up on it, it is our job to protect the citizens." Jerome said. Alyana stared at him.

"Well, you suck at it then because the Sky Army abandoned Wrathford with no regret—"

"King Max promised Adam that he would fix Wrathford. So blame your king, not Adam." Jerome snapped. Alyana looked at Jerome, about to respond till a recruit on a horse came, holding a message from the commander. Jerome took it, reading it. Alyana looked over his shoulder, confusion crossed her face.

"What the heck does that say?" She asked. Jerome flipped the paper over, writing a quick response and giving it back to the recruit who left to go back to the commander.

"None of your business, Alyana." He said before a recruit called out. Jerome ran over, seeing Jason. Jerome ran up to the wall. "Thank notch, are you okay?" Jason nods.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Is Renee with you?" He asked. Jerome nods, looking over at some recruits, Renee is trying spells. But the recruits get her attention and she comes over. While the barrier takes up most of the city, the barrier misses parts of the outskirts of it to the north which is where they are at. Jason stood in an alleyway and Matt on the lookout. Renee looks at Jason.

"What's the situation inside?" She asked.

"Once the attacked started, they immediately went after Master Wag, we have him stable for now but he needs a real doctor. The nurse that we have tended to the wounded is concerned for him the most. He may say he is fine but I cannot find a strong enough potion to heal his wounds completely." Jason said. Renee looked away, taking it in, she nods a bit.

"Okay, I'll notify Alamut, how about Master Phil and Master Thomas, are they well?" She asked. Jason nods.

"Yeah, Phil was injured too but he's gonna be fine. He's looking after Master Wag since he isn't well enough to help. Matt and I have been doing rounds, looking for survivors, but Jerome, it isn't going to be long until they find where they are hiding." Jason said. Jerome nods, agreeing.


"I'm gonna notify Alamut about Master James, we're getting all four of them and bring them to Alamut for a checkup in our infirmary, so look after them till we get them," Renee said before she leaves before any of them could argue. Jason looks away from Jerome.

"Jerome there aren't any access points for you guys to get in or you all would have gotten through already," Jason said.

"No, you aren't handling this by yourself, you are gonna wait for us to break through--" Jason's eyes snap to Jerome.

"The longer we wait the more people die, Jerome! I was able to find a haven for the survivors but it won't hold for long, dark mages are closing in on it. Any light mage I was about to find was either dead or dying. And Wag can't wait that long, you know that if he died that Seto would never figure himself for it. We have to do something now, I was able to sneak past the magic capital multiple times, it isn't a problem." Jason said. Jerome shakes his head, his paws balling into fists. He heavily disapproved of Jason handling this by himself. Sure he believed in Jason, but he didn't believe in him that much.

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