| Epilogue | Five Months Later

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"Your future needs you...your past doesn't."

*Five Months After Ty's Coronation*

He was growing frustrated, very frustrated. The fruit in his hand quickly decayed before he groaned in frustration and threw it at the wall. "This isn't working!" he groaned.

"Because you haven't calmed down. Jason, you need to stay calm. The more frustrated you become, the harder it will be to maintain your control over your powers," Seto said. Jason closed his eyes before they opened, drifting to look at the wizard that sat at the table.

Jason shakes his head, irritated. "T-This is pointless! Four months of training and nothing to show for it! I still can't control it--"

Seto stood up and grabbed Jason's arm, stopping him from walking away. "Jason, I know it doesn't seem like it, but you have made progress in controlling your powers. You mastered dark spells in days that take months for apprentices to learn. Don't count yourself so short--"

Jason turned to Seto, yanking his arm out of Seto's hand. "SETO! I still can't even maintain basic control when I want too! How can you call that progress?!" Jason shouted.

Seto put his hand on Jason's shoulder. "You're spiraling again, Jason. You need to take a deep breath and calm down--"

Jason pushed Seto away, pushing him into the table. "I AM CALM!" Jason shouted. Seto grunted when he fell on his ass, hitting the back of his head of the table edge. He touched the back of his head, looking at his hand and seeing no blood but felt a bump. Jason stared at Seto, his rage quickly diminishing and seeing what he's done. "S-Seto, I--"

Seto shakes his head at Jason. "No, I-I'm fine, Jason. It's okay, really...Let's just call it day, we can pick this up tomorrow," he said. Jason stared at the wizard, seeing he was clearly in pain.

Jason stepped towards him, feeling guilty. "Do you need hel--"

"No, no...I'm good, Jason," Seto said. Jason hesitated, but nodded, not convinced after a fall like that. But Jason hesitantly left. Seto broke down his walls, letting out a pained sigh before his hand held his achy head. 'Definitely have a headache for the rest of the day...' Seto thought. Seto pulled himself up to his feet.

He's at the Sky Army base, in one of the private magic arenas that is underground. He's been helping Jason learn to control his wither powers for the last four months and it hasn't exactly been going well. Seto's found that Jason's powers have uncovered this unstable rage that once poked, it has to be defused as soon as possible or people will get hurt...people like Seto for example. But the wizard knows that even with all the injuries Jason's new blind rage has inflicted upon him, it's not Jason doing the hurting, it's this new side of him that is. 'He's unstable...the more I try to teach him how to control his powers, the more easily irritated and more explosive he becomes. He's a ticking time bomb waiting to go off,' Seto thought as he sat in a chair, holding his achy head in his hands.

He let out a shaky breath, closing his eyes as he tried to get the pounding in his head to stop. The problem is that Seto doesn't know how to help Jason, he just doesn't know. He is assuming that by practicing his decay powers, that it might help him learn to control it.

Another problem, Seto is leaving in three days and he's afraid that Jason will have another episode of irrationality. The first time Jason lost it had caught Seto really off guard since Jason usually has such a calm and mellow demeanor. He doesn't normally get mad at people and especially doesn't lash out at others unless he is really ticked off about something and that in itself is rare...or was rare.

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