| Chapter Nineteen | The Insane Idea

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Since this book hasn't been updated in a while, little refresher:

-Bolded words are dragon tongue language
-Ty and Tobias are the same person
-Seto and Harvey are the same person
-Asthie and Rosani are Ty's younger sisters
-Vince (or Vincent) is Seto's "evil" father
-Tristan is Vince's friend
-Seto Azdel is just an alias that Seto used while Harvey Magi is his real name
-The Magi family created dark magic, Seto creating most of the spells
-Jason has the power of the Wither
-Jason comes from a slavery background
-Both Jason and Jordan were kidnapped by Vince and Tristan
-Last chapter: Seto quit his job as a Sky Army General, telling Adam the truth about how confused and upset he has been

That's not everything, just stuff off the top of my head. Enjoy the chapter and sorry for the long wait! :)

"Be loyal to your future, not your past."

Adam and Seto walked into the Meeting Hall, seeing Ty and the others already there. Ty was looking at papers on the table, Ian stood beside him. At first, Adam expected Ian to be helping Ty read since Ty wasn't very good at reading and writing. But he was shocked when Ian wasn't helping him at all. Ian looked at Adam.

"Look at this, apparently regaining memories means you can read and write," Ian said. Ty looked at Adam.

"I'm still bad at reading and writing but...I'm slowly getting it. I still have difficulty but I'm getting there." Ty said making Adam smile.

"Great, I'm happy for you." He said before Seto spoke.

"Learning languages is tough, Tobias. Some are harder than others, Astinaian is a tough language. Words have multiple meanings and are pronounced differently each version--"

"Is this you complaining?" Quentin asked making Seto nod.

"Yeah, dragon tongue is so much easier to learn compared to your language," Seto said. Adam looked at everyone.

"Alright, enough. As great as this is, we need a plan." Adam said before sitting down.

"Charging in and winging it isn't good enough?" Jerome asked. The others chuckled as Adam smiled.

"No, not this time," Adam said before he loses his smile. He lets out a sigh and crosses his arms. "What I have in mind is something none of you are going to like, especially you Seto." Ty stood up straight as the others looked at him, intrigued.

"Indulge us," Quentin said. Adam hesitated, his eyes looked at Seto.

"How far are you willing to go to find your father and Tristan?" Adam asked him. Seto paused, thinking, he nodded a bit.

"As far as it needs to be," Seto said. Adam crossed his arms, his attention spreading out to the others as they sat down in their seats, listening intently.

"Well...Before you outright reject this, let me explain fully first." Adam told them before looking at Seto in particular. "Seto...how easy is it to break into the Magic Council building undetected?" Seto looked at Adam, shocked for a moment. His eyes looked away as he thought up an answer, as he did, Mitch spoke up.

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