Prolouge prt 1

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Ever since I could remember, my time living with the Rose and Xiao Long family was a living hell...

No one's POV


After Tai beaten up Zack, who is 8 years old, he stands up and looks at the bloody child on the floor. Zack can't even move. Even breathing hurts like hell. The child's light blue eyes are almost lifeless as he stares at the roof. His face full of tears. And his white messy hair has blood in it. Both made of dry and wet blood stains in it. Not only that, but he has several bruises on him too. Tai looks at his hands and sees both of them full of blood.

Tai: For fuck sake, look at what you did. Because of you I have both of my hands covered in blood. Whatever, I'm going to wash up and expect you to have dinner ready. And I better not hear Ruby or Yang telling me or Summer that you did something. And Qrow is stopping by today so I expect you to finish before he arrives. Understood?

Zack didn't say anything. He tries to nod his head but it hurts too much for him to even try. Tai starts to get impatient for his response. Finally having enough, Tai steps on Zack's chest, starting to add pressure to it.

Zack: *gasps in pain and starts to quickly nod his head, while new tears are seen due to all the pain*

Tai: Good.

Tai leaves the room with blood dripping off his hands. After a few seconds of him leaving, Zack can slowly feel himself being able to move. Zack slowly starts to turn his head to the door and sees a 5 year old Ruby and a 7 year old Yang. Both having an evil smile on them and both have an amused face. Ruby walks away from the door but Yang still stares.

Yang: Look at you. I thought that you would be stronger than this since you're the oldest. But I guess not. You're pathetic. I'm too embarrassed to call you a brother. And I told you daddy would believe me. If only you agreed with me this time like before, you may had a less painful beating. Now get up and start making us dinner or else I will beat you up. Or maybe daddy will have to whip you again.

With that, Yang walks away. Presumably to play with Ruby.

Zack: *weak voice, trying to breath without causing pain to himself* F-fuck a-all of y-y-you. *passes out*

Mini time skip

After a few minutes, Zack regains conscious. He feels his body still in pain and doesn't want to move. But he forces himself to anyway to hopefully prevent another beating. He beings to slowly stand up. Once he is on both feet, Zack starts to make his way towards the door. But once he did, he lost his balance before he grabs the door frame to help himself balance. He coughs up blood before wiping his mouth and continues walking. After a few minutes of slowly making his way downstairs, he sees Summer watching tv in the living room. Summer takes a quick glance at him for a few seconds then continues her business with a sad face.

Once Zack passes that room, he finally reaches the kitchen. He looks through the fridge to see what he could possibly make. He doesn't see many ingredients that could be used for dinner. Zack closed the door and sees enough ingredients to make spaghetti on the counter. Zack grabs the ingredients and begins to make dinner after he washed his hands. As he cooks the food, he began to prepare the table. As he was about finished with both tasks, the doorbell rings.

Tai: *voice coming from upstairs* I'll get it!

Tai runs down the stairs to open the door. He looks into the kitchen and sees Zack still in it, finishing making dinner. Tai quickly goes to the kitchen and looks at Zack with a pissed off face.

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