Bonus chapter #1: Family

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A/n: Please read until the very end! Thank you. Enjoy!

No one's POV

Zack was walking in an empty place. He looks around himself to only find white surrounding him.

"Hello?" He calls out, which seems to echo endlessly as he looks all around him. 'What is this? Where am I?' He questions to himself.

Zack continues to walk in a random direction, not noticing with each step he took, the floor splashed like a droplet hitting water.

Time skip

Zack has been walking for some unknown time now. Seeing that he hasn't made much progress yet, Zack growls in anger. His eyes turn red as he clenched his fists, but no flames came out like they should've. Feeling his semblance not working, Zack looks at his hands in disbelief.

"What the...Why isn't my semblance working?" He asks as he tries to activate his semblance again, which failed the second time.

Zack continues to use his semblance until he heard a door open in front of him. Zack looks up and found himself standing in a room he's known since childhood.

"W-what?!" He yells in disbelief as his eyes return to their normal color. In front of him, stood a grinning Tai and a young Ruby and Yang. Zack steps back as his hands began to tremble. "Stay back!" He yells at the three.

The three step forward as Zack tries to grab his sword from behind, but for some reason it wasn't there. He looks over his shoulder and curses at himself before trying to grab Ebony and Ivory, which weren't there as well.

Zack began to panic as the three approach him. Just as they were in hitting range, a voice calls out from behind them.

"Stop this!" The ruff voice demands.

Everyone turns around and found Qrow and Raven standing at the door as Summer was standing behind them, frightened by what would come next. Tai growls in anger and charged at Qrow, who charged at the blonde and the two began to fight hand to hand. Raven ran over to Zack and ran behind him. Confused by that, Zack turns around and found Raven trying to comfort a young Zack, who was bleeding heavily.

Zack didn't understand what was happening. He didn't remember this happening when he lived in Patch. But Zack's thoughts were dismissed when he heard a roar behind him. Zack turns around and found himself in a different place. Instead of being in Patch, he was in an ice cave surrounded be three familiar dragons.

"F-father?" Zack says as he sees one of the few beings he still cares about to this day.

"F-father?" Zack says as he sees one of the few beings he still cares about to this day

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