Chapter 13- Getting To Know Zack...

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Over the next few weeks, Zack has been slowly becoming distant from everyone. Even though he doesn't really talk much to people, unlike Sarah, he's been more quiet than usual. He's even started to skip class and miss eating lunch with Sarah and his children. Team rwby has been worried about him as Sarah was somewhat worried.

No one's POV

We see team rwby sitting in their dorm as everyone as doing their own thing on their own beds. Ruby was playing on her scroll, Yang was reading a magazine, Weiss was doing homework, at their desk, and Blake was reading a book. Everyone was quiet until Weiss spoke.

Weiss: Has anyone seen Zack lately?

Blake: Not Really.

Yang: Its kinda hard to for me and Ruby since he always avoids us. Why? You don't have a crush on him or anything, do ya?

Weiss couldn't help but blush when Yang asked her the question.

Weiss: W-What?! No! It's because he's been skipping class and lunch and I'm worried about his grades, you idiot!

Yang: Riiiggghhhttt...Well I don't blame you if you like him.

RWB: Huh?

They all look at Yang when she spoke.

Blake: What was that?

Yang: Think about it; He's mysterious, somewhat cool, strong, has kids, and...

Yang couldn't help but mumble the last part about Zack. Ruby and Weiss didn't understand what she said but Blake understood since she's a Faunus.

Ruby: What was that?

Yang: Huh?! Oh was nothing! *nervously chuckles*

Weiss: Don't tell me you have feelings for your own brother.

Yang: What?! No! I never said that!

Blake: Sure...

Ruby jumps off her bed and lands perfectly on the ground.

Ruby: Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to try and find him!

Blake: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Ruby: What?! Why not?!

As Ruby shouted at her teammate, Blake closed her book and got up from her bed.

Weiss: Are you seriously that dense? Do you even realize that Zack could seriously hurt you?

Ruby: Wwwhhhaaattt? He would never!

Ruby folds her arms as she sees Weiss sit up from her chair.

Blake: Ruby, you do remember that he hurt your ENTIRE family a couple of weeks ago, right?

Ruby puffs her cheeks out as she was clearly upset about the conversation.

Weiss: Let me and Blake look for him again. I'm sure he would talk to us instead of threatening both of your lives.

Blake: Right. Maybe we should see if Sarah knows where he's at.

Weiss: Good idea.

The two walk out of their dorm room and began making their way to the Storm's dorm. (Heh, that rhymed) Ruby slumps her shoulders as Yang was thinking of something.

Time skip

We see Blake knocking on a door. A moment passes before it opens and we see Sarah behind it. She smiles as she sees her two new friends that she's made over the past few days.

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