Chapter 15- A Date?

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It's been about 2 weeks since Weiss and Blake confessed to Zack. Since then, Zack has been able to clear his mind a bit. He's been getting back into class and everything else, making everyone happy a bit. He's also been a little more cheery since then as well. Weiss, Blake, and Zack have started to hang out when they had the time. Zack has begun to slowly trust the two as they hanged out as well.

~No one's POV, Beacon~

We see Zack and his family walking, well, Zack was carrying a sleeping Emily on his back, to their dorm. Classes just finished and everyone was ready for bed.

Zack: Jeez, today was tiring.

Sarah: No kidding. Didn't think Glynda would go hard on everyone today.

Zack: Well I guess that's what should've been expected when people piss her off.


We see Zack, Sarah and every student in the arena in Beacon's school. Everyone was stretching as Glynda walks up.

Glynda: Okay class, we're going to practice training on each other today.

Student: Oh oh! Can we pick partners?!

Glynda: Yes. As long as you two actually train instead of talking, you may. Otherwise EVERYONE will run laps around campus. Understood?

Everyone: Yes!

Glynda: Good. But before we begin, I want to let everyone know that Beacon will begin a new test soon. Everyone will be required to be tested on their fears.

Everyone began to whisper to one another. When Zack heard that, he instantly went pale. Sarah saw that and held his hand, gaining his attention and smile at him when he looks at her.

Student:'am, how exactly will we face our fears?

Glynda: Glad you asked. We will be receiving a machine that will scan your brain to simulate your greatest fears. There, you'll have to face it in front of everyone. It's required that ALL of you do it.

Zack froze again and began to sweat as his breathing became uneven. Sarah tried to calm him down but couldn't. Emily and Eric noticed as well and became worried too.

Eric: Mom, is dad okay?

Sarah: Hunny, not now. Zack!

Even though Sarah yelled Zack's name several times, he still was frozen. Everyone heard Sarah and began to whisper to one another, mainly about Zack. Some snicker as they thought Zack was a cowered.

Student 1: Look at that idiot. Probably doesn't want to be seen being embarrassed by everyone.

Student 2: Probably. Let's make fun of him when he goes through the test.

Sarah looks at Zack in the eyes, seeing the fear in him. She can't think of anything else to do, before she slaps his face. Everyone went quiet as Zack took a moment to process what just happened. He slowly looks at Sarah as she looks worried.

Zack: S-Sarah-

He was cut off when Sarah kissed him. He took a moment before sinking into it. The two separated after a moment.

Zack: I'm sorry about worrying you.

Sarah: It's fine. Remember; I'll always be beside you.

Zack: Right-

Glynda: *clears throat*

Everyone looks at Glynda, who's currently glaring at Zack and Sarah.

Glynda: If you two are done holding up the class, I would like to start class.

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