Chapter 8- An Unwanted Or Needed Reunion

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No one's POV

After Zack and Sarah were told that they were in a team, the family headed to their dorm as Glynda showed them how to get there. Once they made it there, Glynda gave Zack, who has his big bag of weapons due to Glynda giving it back, the keys and left them. Zack unlocked the door and Eric and Emily ran in first. Sarah walks in after them and Zack enters last. Once he entered he saw that it was a bit big. It has its own kitchen, table, a small living room with a couch and a tv. He also saw a small hallway which Sarah walks down in the left where it should lead to the bedrooms. Zack walks to the couch before sitting down next to Eric. Emily then took the opportunity and sat on his lap. He sighs before he grabs the remote and turns on the tv. He flips through the channels and lands on the news. It explains that Roman has made yet another robbery before Zack flips through the channels again. Then it lands on the sports channel and Zack decides to change it again. But after he flips through a few other channels, his scroll vibrates in his pocket. He pulls it out and sees a message from Ozpin.

Meet me in my office. :Ozpin

Zack: Fine. But how did you get my number?

Come to my office immediately. :Ozpin

Zack: Okaaay...don't answer my text then.

Zack sighs and looks at Emily.

Zack: Hunny, I've got to go. Can you get off me please?

Emily: No!

She hugs his arm as she refuses to let him go. Zack tries to shake her off as she doesn't move.

Zack: Hey, I need to go. Ozpin needs me.

Emily: I need daddy too!

Zack stops and looks at her.

Zack: How about this? If you let me go, I'll cook you your favorite meal. Deal?

Emily stops for a moment to think. She lets go of her father and sits on the couch while puffing her cheeks and crossing her arms.

Emily: Fine!

Zack: Thank you.

Zack stands up and walks towards the door. Sarah walks into the living room and stops him.

Sarah: Where're you going?

Zack: Ozpin messaged me. Apparently he needs me so I'll be back soon.

Sarah: Okay. Be careful with your arm.

Zack: I will.

Sarah pecks him on the cheek and Zack smiles before he pecks her lips as he opens the door and leaves.

Time skip
Zack's POV

I sighed as I was waiting in the elevator. I was leaning against the wall as I was staring at the messages that Ozpin sent me.

Zack: What does he want from me?

As I read the messages, I suddenly sensed faint magic energy nearby.

Zack: What? Magic? Here?

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