Chapter 10- A Chat With The Crow

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No one's POV

It's been a few days since the fight. Right now, we see Zack leaning against a wall in Vale in his casual clothes on while looking at his scroll. He's currently looking at a picture of him when he was around 14 with a few people in it. He was in the middle while a boy who has a big smile on his face while his eyes were closed with white messy hair was choke holding Zack as another boy with black hair and red eyes was standing next to the two with a bored face as he stares at the camera. And next to him was a girl with green hair and red eyes standing next to the boy.

Zack: Wonder how Emerald's doing...

Zack closes his scroll and puts it away as he hears footsteps approaching him. He sees Qrow walking towards him as he was still leaning on the wall.

Qrow: Sup, kid.

Zack: Qrow...

Time skip

We see Zack sitting in a chair across from Qrow in a busy bar. Qrow was currently drinking out of his flask as Zack was clearly bored. Qrow puts his flask away and focuses on Zack.

Qrow: So...what did you want to-

Zack: Why didn't you help me?

Qrow: I'm sorry-

Zack: Ten years ago, the day we met for the first time. Why didn't you help me? You saw my condition.

Qrow doesn't answer immediately. He looks at the table for a moment as he thinks of an answer. Zack's patients was running out as he stays quiet.

Qrow: *sighs* Tai lied to Raven and I. He said that you had a semblance that made you in a terrible condition and you couldn't control it. So, I thought that I shouldn't get near you. But after the fight we had a while back, it's clear that it wasn't it. You really did a number on me.

Zack: So? you know my semblance?

Zack: It's misfortune or something, right?

Qrow: Yep, thats exactly why. I can't control it, it happens at random. And I can't control who it effects. So I thought that if I stayed away from you, I wouldn't bring you bad luck with controlling your semblance. I thought I was doing the right thing by keeping you safe...but instead, I wasn't.

Zack: Why did you believe him?

Qrow: Your father-

Zack: Don't you say he's my father! My actual father took care of me.

Qrow: Who-

Zack: Let me finish with my questions first, then I'll answer yours, deal?

Qrow: Right... Back when team STRQ was a thing, Tai wasn't like what he was ten years ago. He was a cocky, flirty, and nice guy. I've never seen him like that before; his lying, abusive, and secretive side before. So I thought that he was acting weird a little, nothing too serious.

Zack: But clearly you were wrong.

Qrow: Yeah *sighs*...I know. I thought it was nothing, until the day I met you. I saw you were struggling to get upstairs. My curiosity got the better of me so I investigated. At first, I didn't find anything out of the ordinary, but I noticed a trail of blood. That's when I checked again and found you behind the bookcase.

Zack: Was Raven with you?

Qrow: Not at first. Once I found you, I was pissed off and demanded an explanation. But I only got lies. Raven on the other hand, didn't buy it.

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