Prolouge prt 2

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I thought the Branwen twins cared about me. *scoffs* I guess it was a dream for something like that to happen. Something that would take a miracle to happen.

No one's POV

Months have passed since Zack has decided to leave. But during those months, to Zack, it felt like years. Since Qrow and Raven first met Zack, he was allowed to be out of his room when they came by. But it was mostly because Tai had made Zack make food or be a slave to everyone. Qrow would usually try to ignore Zack if he was near. Raven on the other hand, slowly stopped visiting. Over time, she stopped completely. And during these months, Ruby was starting to be trained by Qrow while Yang was being trained by Tai. But one thing was still the same, Zack was still being abused and neglected by everyone.

We see Zack being whipped again by Tai after another visit by Qrow. Crying and screaming in pain again.

Tai: *whip cracks* DUMBASS! *whip cracks again* YOU SERIOUSLY ASKED QROW *whip cracks* TO TRAIN YOU?! *whip cracks again* YOU'RE USELESS! *whip cracks 2 times* DON'T EVER THINK *whip cracks 4 times* OF DOING THAT AGAIN! *whip cracks 3 times*

After those last few whips, Tai though Zack had enough punishment and stops for now. Seeing the back of Zack all bloody and new scares that would be permanent, he slowly lowers the whip that's in his hand. A moment passed as he continues to stare and listens to Zack's cries and screams. He begins to walk to Zack's door but he stops because Zack was annoying him with his crying and screaming.

Tai: *turns to Zack* Just shut up!

Tai walks to Zack, grabs the back of the latter's head and slams Zack's face in the floor. He then lifts it back up and slams it again and rinse and repeats it several times. He stops when he doesn't hear Zack anymore. Zack was unconscious due to the force of being slammed into the floor. Tai drops Zack's head and walks out of the room. But before he leaves the room, he looks back at the bloody child's body and says a few words before leaving.

Tai: Piece of shit. You will never be anything more than a slave and punching bag. *leaves and shuts the door*

Time skip

After about 2 hours of being unconscious, Zack was finally starting to wake up. He can't even feel his face which has blood on it. Zack slowly starts to try and get himself up, but due to his body hurting like hell, he stops and gives up. He slowly looks at the window and thinks.

Zack's POV

I didn't even talk to Qrow today. It must of been Ruby or Yang who came up with that. But whatever, by the end of tomorrow, I should be finally free from this hell. I hid a bag full of supplies for my survival. I also hid a letter that I wrote for everyone when I leave. They're in a crack in the floor that somehow wasn't seen by anyone. But I'm not complaining about that. But right now, I have to make dinner for everyone or else I'm going to get another beating.

I decided to try and get up and it actually worked this time. I was back on my feet even though I'm hurting like hell. I have to force myself to move in order to prevent anything that could jeopardize my escape. So I started to make my way downstairs to get dinner ready when I accidentally bumped into Summer. She looks at me for a second and walks around me to I presume the bathroom. I just ignore that and make my way to the kitchen.

Summer's POV

I'm so sorry my son. I can't believe I'm not doing anything to prevent your pain. I'm a terrible mother. I know I should do something, but I'm just too scared of Tai to do anything. I used to abuse you but I stopped when Tai took things too far. I don't know why I even began abusing you. All I remember is that one day, I saw Tai taking the abuse too far and my motherly instincts came in and stopped him. I hope one day, deep down in that scarred heart of yours, you could forgive my actions. I know I shouldn't ask that, but as your mother, it really breaks my heart whenever you scream or cry because of Tai. And what makes matters worse is that Ruby and Yang are following in his footsteps and I'm not stopping it. Please Zack, my son, I hope one day everything stops and you can forgive me. Mommy loves you.

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