Chapter 12- Getting To Know Each Other...

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It's been a few days since Zack last spoke to Ozpin. During that time, Zack has been looking through missions that he could possibly take that wouldn't be too long. But he wasn't sure if he was ready to work full time for someone again so soon.

No one's POV

It's currently evening in the town of Vale. Today was like any other day; Zack and his family went to class, had lunch as usual, and went through the rest of the classes. Class just ended for the day before we see Zack walking down the halls of the dorm building. He was by himself since he had stress built up from being annoyed by Yang and Ruby again. Sarah took the kids to their dorm so Zack could calm himself. We see Zack thinking to himself before he heard someone call his name, which he rolls his eyes as he remembers who's voice it was.

Ruby: Zack! Wait up, big bro!

Zack stops walking and turns around to see Ruby and her team run up to him.

Zack: What the hell you want now? For me to forgive you? If that's what you want, then you're waisting everyone's time.

Ruby: Well...there goes that plan. But that's not all!

Zack: Then what?

Yang: We were wondering if you would like to join us for a meal soon!

Zack: What? With who exactly?

Ruby: Well, we were planning it to be a family dinner, so....

Zack: You mean YOUR families?

Ruby: Come on, big bro! Don't act like that! You're our brother! You're apart of our family too!

Zack: Oh really? Last time I checked, family don't abuse one another. They also don't neglect them either. And lastly, I'm NOT your brother. Family is something that someone should think that the people who they're closest to and loves them are. Not bloodline.

Ruby: But-

Zack: Just shut the hell up!

Yang: Hey! Don't yell at her!

Zack: I don't give a shit! I don't even know why I'm talking to you in the first place!

With that, Zack used his magic to turn into a shadow and swiftly goes away, leaving the four alone. Ruby looks down in sadness as Yang puts a hand on her sister's shoulder. Blake and Weiss nods to each other before speaking.

Blake: Let us talk to him.

Both Blake and Weiss jog after Zack as they didn't wait for a response from the sisters.

Time skip

We see Zack walking next to the library before feeling like he's being followed. He stops walking and turns his head over his shoulder.

Zack: What do you want?

We see Blake and Weiss pop out from behind a pillar next to the building. Zack sighs as he shakes his head before looking at the two.

Zack: Why are you two following me? And are the bitches following as well?

Weiss: No, don't worry. It's just us.

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