Chapter 14- Confessions

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No one's POV

Its already late in the evening before we see Zack, in his combat outfit, sitting at the edge of Beacon's courtyard, sitting as his legs were dangling off the edge. He was cleaning Ebony and Ivory as he's listening to music on his scroll next to him. He lip sings it as he stares at his pistols.

(Play song)

Once he's done cleaning them, he sighs before putting them in his holsters and stood up. Zack stares off into the sunset as he puts his hands in his pockets as the wind was slowly breezing along. He stares for a moment before he speaks to someone but doesn't look away from the sunset.

Zack: You don't need to sneak up on me, you know?

We see who the people were and it was Blake and Weiss. The two were a few feet away from him as they stood there.

Weiss: There you are! We've been looking for you everywhere!

Zack: Why? Do you need something?

Blake: W-well...ummm...

Blake began to blush and fidget with her fingers as Weiss looks away, blushing as she tries to hide it. Zack turns around and raises an eyebrow at the hesitation for an answer.

Zack: What? Why are you two acting like that?

Weiss: It's do we put it?

Blake: We...we...

Zack was getting slightly agitated before he let out a deep breath and uses his magic as he close his eyes. He hears their thoughts and instantly understood why they were acting like that. He deactivated his magic and went wide eyed for a moment before looking to the sunset again.

Zack: Oh...crap...

It took a moment before Weiss and Blake finally found the courage to talk.

W&B: you...

Zack doesn't answer for a moment, worrying the two girls. But when all hope felt lost to them, he finally spoke.

Zack: I see...I...don't know what to say...

Blake: Do you...accept our feelings?

Zack: I...don't know...

He looks back to the two before continuing.

Zack: I...I...

Weiss: It's alright to reject us if you want-

Zack: But that's not it! Look, you both seem like good people, probably great girlfriends, ... but I...don't want to seem unfaithful or disloyal to Sarah. She's my girlfriend and it wouldn't be right if I-

Weiss: Don't worry about that. We already talked to her about that.

Zack: You did?

Blake: *nods* She said that it was fine if you accepted our feelings. She doesn't mind sharing.

Zack: Oh...

Zack thinks for a moment as he stares at the ground. But he finally spoke as he continues to stare at the ground.

Zack: I understand...but...

Weiss: But what?

Zack doesn't answer immediately as his hands began to shake.

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