Chapter 11- An Interesting First Day Of Class

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Present day
No one's POV

We see Zack struggling to get his Beacon uniform on for class, facing a minor. He's trying to get his tie on, but struggles for a moment before growling in anger and takes it off. We see Sarah walk out of the bathroom before we see Zack half naked, his muscular upper yet scared body was seen, while he burns his uniform. Once Sarah saw that, she sighs as she placed a hand on her forehead and shook her head in disproval.

Sarah: Really Zack?

Zack sat on the bed while crossing his arms as he looks away from her.

Zack: What's the point of those things?

Sarah: Those are part of the school rules, Zack.

Zack: Whatever. I'll just go in my regular clothes.

Sarah was about to object, but she looks at the time, noticed that it was almost time for class.

Sarah: Crap! Zack, hurry up!

Zack rolled his eyes before getting up. He walks to get change but suddenly felt a great deal of pain before dropping on one knee as his breathing became heavy and uneven as he pants and holds his right rib cage.

Sarah: Zack?!

Sarah got to Zack, who was heavily breathing as he squinted one eye, as he felt the pain continue. As Sarah tries to help, Zack covered his mouth before he began coughing blood in his hand. Sarah became even more worried as Zack was clearly not well. But a moment passes before Zack wipes his mouth that had a bit of blood. Zack gave Sarah a reassuring smile as she was clearly worried about him.

Zack: Hey, I'm fine. Guess the side affects finally kicked in.

Sarah: You mean from the fight of the initiation?

Zack: Yeah... Go on ahead to class with Emily and Eric. I'll catch up.

Sarah: You sure?

Zack: Positive.

He had trouble even saying one word as he began coughing again. Even though Sarah was still worried, she trusts him and made her way to the door and left the room, still staring at Zack as he gave her a reassuring thumbs up. Once he saw her close the door, he got up and made his way to the bathroom as he was still coughing.

Time skip

We see Sarah, Emily, and Eric walking down the dorm hallway as they were heading to class. But as they passed turned to another hallway, someone bumped into Sarah before he smacked Eric on the back of his head, angering the mother and child as the latter rubs the spot.

Sarah: Hey, that wasn't called for!

The guy in cheap armor turns around to them as he carries his mace on his shoulder.

???: Shut it, whore.

Sarah: Excuse me?!

???: You heard me.

Sarah: Look, I don't know what we did to you to, but you shouldn't be rude.

???: Whatever. You have two freaks with you, which is unacceptable.

Sarah: What are you talking about?

???: Well what else? Stupid Faunus shouldn't be in Beacon. But here's two dumb children with their whore of a mother. Ozpin should be ashamed of himself.

Sarah's anger was clearly shown as her fists were clenched in anger. Emily hid behind her mother as Eric was angry as well, showing his fangs as he growled, scaring his sister.

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