Chapter 2- I Guess We're Going To Beacon

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Zack's POV

After I went to the city and collected my money, I began to head home. On my way home, I couldn't stop thinking about things.

I hope Computer is taking good care of Emily. And I hope Emily's being a good girl. I know Eric can be a handful sometimes, but Emily doesn't cause too much trouble, thankfully. Funny, I've been doing my best to be a father to my children than I've ever been treated.

I continue to drive fast to my home as I continue to think of them.

Time skip

It was dark when I finally made it home.

When I reached the garage, it atomically opened up

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When I reached the garage, it atomically opened up. I drove inside and parked my bike next to my other vehicles. I exit the garage and enter the house. As I walk down the hallway, I start to talk to Computer.

Zack: Computer, I'm home.

Computer: Hello sir, welcome home. How was your mission? Did you complete your task? Knowing you, wouldn't be surprising if you blew up a mountain.

Zack: It was alright. Killed the Grimm and took out a few bandits as a bonus.

Computer: Congratulations on your victory. Would you like to know where Emily is, sir?

Zack: Yeah, where is she?

As we continue to talk, I turn left and head downstairs.

Computer: She is currently in the living room watching tv. Would you like me to inform her that you're home?

Zack: Nah, I'm ganna surprise her. But before I do, I need to change and I need you to scan something.

Computer: Very well. What is it that you want scanned?

Zack: It's a weird sword I found after I killed the dragon. I'll show it when we get to the armory.

I walk down another hall and stop when I reach a metal door with a hand scanner next to it. I take off my glove and scanned my hand before the door opens. When I walk inside, I went to the table in the center of the room and place my bag on it.

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