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No one's POV

Zack was walking through the dorm hallways. He has received a text from Sarah a while ago that said to meet her in the dorm due to some 'important' things that are needed to be discussed immediately.

Zack: 'What's up with her?'

When he gets to his dorm, he opens the door and found Sarah, Emily, and Eric hanging out on the couch. Zack enters the room and notice two men by the kitchen table. One of them was probably in his mid forties reading a magazine while the other man was sitting in a office chair, his back was to him.

The one in the office chair slowly turns his chair around as he was gently petting a sleeping baby Nergigante like a cat

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The one in the office chair slowly turns his chair around as he was gently petting a sleeping baby Nergigante like a cat.

???: "Ah, mister Storm, I've been expecting you." He says as he continues to pet the baby Nergigante.

Zack: "Uhhh...do I know you?" He raised an eyebrow.

Author: "Kinda. After all, I am the author. Isn't that right, Sarah?"

Sarah: "Yeah!" She says from the couch.

Eric: "He's awesome dad! He told us a lot of stuff about the future of the stories!"

Zack: "Seriously?"

Emily: (nods) "He did!"

Zack was about to say something, but instead pulls out Ebony and Ivory as he turns to the other unknown man.

Zack: "Then who the hell are you then?" He demands.

The man doesn't answer. He simply puts down his magazine before he pulls out his pistols similar to Zack's from behind, spins them in hand, then aims at Zack.

 He simply puts down his magazine before he pulls out his pistols similar to Zack's from behind, spins them in hand, then aims at Zack

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???: "Slow down, kid. There's children in the room, remember?"

The two have a stare down, waiting for the other to make a move. But the author clears his throat, gaining the two's attention.

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