Chapter 3- Beacon

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No one's POV

The next morning after Ozpin and Glynda came over, Zack and Sarah told Emily and Eric about the four of them going to Beacon. Of course, Emily and Eric were confused about it and had some questions, but after about an hour of explaining, the two finally understood. The week quickly passes as Zack and Sarah did everything they could to prepare them for the adventure ahead of them. It was the last day before they had to leave to Beacon. Zack and Sarah just finished training. Zack made everyone lunch. As they were eating, the family was having a conversation.

Zack: So, you two ready to go to Beacon?

Eric: Heck yeah! We get to see mom and dad in action!

Zack: *chuckles*

Sarah: What about you, Emily?

Emily: I-I don't know...

Zack: How come, sweetheart?

Emily: There's going to be a lot of people there. I don't like loud places...

Sarah: Well that's part of going to school. Of course there's going to be a lot of people there.

Emily: B-but what if they be mean to us.

Zack: Don't worry, we will make sure no one will be mean to you, I promise.

Emily: O-ok.

After Emily and Eric finished their meals, they went upstairs to play in their room. Sarah cleans the dishes as Zack was sitting at the counter, thinking. Sarah finished as Zack speaks.

Zack: Hey, Sarah.

Sarah: Yeah?

Zack: Remember when Ozpin and I talked outside when he invited us to Beacon?

Sarah: Yeah, why?

Zack: I've been meaning to talk to you about what happened.

Sarah: Why?

Zack: Well, since we're going to be on a team, I thought that it would be best for you to know.

Sarah: Ok, what do you need to tell me?

Zack: Well, I should've said show you.

Zack presses a button on his watch before a holographic screen popped up.

(Pretend there's no pictures and is on his left arm)

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(Pretend there's no pictures and is on his left arm)

Zack presses a few things before he speaks.

Zack: Computer, did you scan Ozpin's scroll while he was here?

Computer: Indeed, Sir. Why? Wanna find out his history?

Zack: I didn't. I need you bring up the video he showed me.

Computer: Very well, sir.

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