| TWO |

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what other groups do you stan?


Namjoon led Jungkook down the sidewalk before stopping in front of a building. The building was fairly simple, you wouldn't expect it to be used to film porn. Namjoon pulled out his keys and unlocked the door.

Jungkook stepped inside cautiously looking around. When inside Jungkook was surprised to see nothing of the unordinary. There was a kitchen to the right side of the room and what looked like a living room further down. Namjoon set the coffees on the counter along with his keys.

Jungkook glanced at Namjoon, "This is it?" He asked.

"This is it, what'd you expect?" Namjoon asked shrugging. Jungkook shrugged as well.

"I don't know a bed?"

Namjoon laughed.

"You see, our website is our paycheck. The viewers have to pay to see the different skits or kinks and shit," Namjoon said.

"You must have a lot of viewers," Jungkook said looking at the furniture, "and 'our'?"

"That's right. We have four actors right now if you exclude me and you," Namjoon said simply.

"Wait... have you ever done porn?" Jungkook asked, eyes widening. Namjoon shrugged as if it was nothing.

"A couple times yeah."

Jungkook nodded slowly, "so, why does this place look like a normal house and not a porn set?"

"We live here as well. The 'normal' stuff is on the main floor. Our bedrooms are down that hall," Namjoon said pointing towards a hallway in the right wall, "And the magic happens on the second floor," he pointed towards a staircase on the left wall.

"Can.. I see it?" Jungkook asked hesitantly glancing at the staircase. Namjoon pursed his lips.

"Right now? No. I think there's a shooting happening right now," Jungkook blushed as he took a step away from the staircase.

Just then footsteps padded down the stairs. Namjoon and Jungkook turned towards the emerging figure. The stranger wore a black muscle tee with grey sweatpants. He was rubbing a towel on his wet auburn hair. He sat on one of the stools, barely recognizing Jungkook's existence.

"Hoseok," Namjoon greeted as the man supposedly named Hoseok sipped his coffee. Hoseok hummed questionably at Namjoon. Namjoon glanced at me. Hoseok finally looked at Jungkook, eyes widening in the process.

Hoseok quickly rushed over, forgetting his drink, and grabbed Jungkook's hands. He smiled brightly which reminded Jungkook of a ray of sunshine.

"Hi, I'm Hoseok but you can call me Hobi. Ahh, you're so cute! Where'd you find him Joonie? Is he a new one?" Jungkook could barely keep up with the words spilling out of Hoseok's mouth.

"Calm down Hoseok," Namjoon said walking towards the two of us. "Hoseok this is Jungkook. Jungkook this is Hoseok."

"Hello," Jungkook nervously greeted. Hoseok squealed in return. Hoseok then unexpectedly draped his arms around Namjoon's neck and pouted a little.

"Seriously, where'd you get him? He's so cute. Chim might be jealous," Jungkook's eyes widened as Hoseok leaned against Namjoon.

"Ignore him, he's just messing around to scare you," Namjoon grunted as he pushed a laughing Hoseok off of him. Namjoon straightened and cleared his throat, "Where's Jin?"

"I heard my name!" A voice called from the stairwell. Jungkook turned to see three more boys walk down.

One was tall with broad shoulders. He had black hair that seemed to be soft and silky. He was leading the trio as his quickly walked into the kitchen.

The second one, who was giggling at the tall man, was much shorter. He had orange hair and smiling eyes as he laughed. He looked like he had just gotten out of the shower as well.

The last one had platinum blond hair was yawning as he stretched his arms to the ceiling. Jungkook thought he looked a little shorter then the second boy. Jungkook might have not even seen him behind the other two.

"Ah! Who's this?" The tall one asked looking at Jungkook. Jungkook blushed now that all eyes were on him.

"Guys this is Jungkook. He's going to work for some money. Jungkook this is Jin, Jimin, and Yoongi," Namjoon said gesturing towards the three.

Jungkook smiled a little in greeting. Jin smiled back, Jimin bounced towards him, and Yoongi glanced in his direction as he reached for his coffee. Jimin latched himself onto Jungkook's arm.

"So you're new? C'mon I'll take you to do the registration forum," Jimin said starting to drag Jungkook towards the living room.

"Where's Taehyung?" Jungkook heard Namjoon ask to Jin.

"I think he went to that new museum or something," Jin replied shrugging. Jungkook didn't get to hear the rest as Jimin plopped them down on the sofa.

Jimin dug in a drawer before pulling out a sheet of paper and a pen. Then Jimin led Jungkook through the registration forum as he filled out his ID and signatures. At the final signature Jungkook's hand paused. If he signed now, Jungkook's life would completely change. He would become a porn star. He would-

"Why are you hesitating now?" Hoseok's voice intruded from behind the couch. Jungkook glared at Hoseok who was peering over his shoulder.

"Oh I don't know, just signing off my future here," Jungkook replied sarcastically. Hoseok and Jimin laughed before Hoseok walked down the hallway. Jungkook blew out the breath he's held in before hastily sighting the document.

Jimin clapped cheerily before scooping up the forum and standing up. Jungkook followed him back into the kitchen where Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi still were. Well, Yoongi dumped his cup in the trash before shuffling down the hallway. Jimin handed the paper to Namjoon who skimmed over it quickly.

"Congrats, welcome to the family," Namjoon said before taking a sip from Jin's cup. Jin slapped his hand before smiling at Jungkook.

"So is he gonna work tonight?" Jimin asked from behind the counter. Namjoon shook his head causing Jimin to scrunch his nose. "Why not? I had to on my first day."

Namjoon simply looked at Jimin before saying "Virgin." Jungkook's face flushed as Jimin gasped suddenly.

"No way, have you even had your first kiss yet?" Jimin asked rushing back to Jungkook.

"Well, yes, but with a girl. I never kissed a guy before.." Jungkook trailed off.

"Really?" Jimin said whilst dragging his finger up Jungkook's chest. Jungkook's face burned more as Jimin seductively looked up at him. Jimin placed his arms around Jungkook's neck before leaning in. Jimin neared his head to Jungkook's ear to whisper.

"Then how about tonight, we practice?"


so yeah, yoongi is shorter then jimin. fight me >:(

hah jk but you met everyone else. but where's taehyungie?? gasp.

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