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Jungkook shifted uneasily.

He was currently sitting in between Taehyung and Jimin, who were both engaged in a stare down.

He gulped before speaking, "So uh, I wanted to talk about... stuff."

Jimin broke his stare to look at Jungkook. He pursed his lips before looking down at his lap.

Taehyung cleared his throat, "Jimin, Jungkook and I made up."

Jimin didn't look up. Instead he bit his inner cheek before speaking.

"Alright. Okay," he said stiffly.

Jungkook felt his throat tighten at his response. It definitely wasn't the response he was hoping for. Was he still mad?

"Are you mad?" Jungkook asked which came out more like a squeak.

Jimin raised his head to look at Jungkook. He held his gaze for ten seconds before responding.


Taehyung frowned as Jungkook seemed to stiffen even more.

"What's your problem?" He hissed, "Jungkook and I made up so why are you speaking to him as if he cheated?!"

Both Jungkook's and Jimin's stomach dropped at the word of 'cheating'.

Jimin glared at Taehyung, "This isn't your business anymore."

"What do you mean 'not my business'? You were the one mad at us for not getting along, and now we are! So why are you being like this!" Taehyung argued.

"Well you aren't dating Jungkook are you?" Jimin said harshly, slapping his hands on the table.

Taehyung seemed to pause at that. He hesitated before retaliating.

"No I'm not, but if I was I wouldn't be talking to him like that!" Taehyung growled, his chair also being pushed back.

Jungkook felt his insides twist as they fought over him. He didn't want them to fight over him.

"Guys!" Jungkook spoke up, unheard by the duo's bickering.

Taehyung and Jimin continues to argue, their fire growing hotter each moment.

Jungkook slammed his hands on the table then, finally getting the attention of the two.

They both went quiet at Jungkook's expression.

"Jimin," Jungkook said calmly.

Taehyung and Jimin exchanged a glare.

"I need to speak to Jimin," Jungkook said sending a look at Taehyung, "Alone."

Jimin followed Jungkook down the hall to his room, leaving Taehyung in the kitchen alone. Jimin sat on Jungkook's bed quietly as he closed the door.

Jungkook sat next to him, "We need to be truthful," he said.

Jimin gulped as he felt a wave of guilt wash over him. He took a deep breath.

"Jungkook..." he started off slowly, "I think... I think I have feelings for someone else."

Jungkook went still at the sudden confession. He hadn't expected that of all things. It was weird.

Here he was thinking he might have feelings for someone else as well, but hearing the words come out of Jimin's mouth made him want to curl up and cry.

Unfair, really.

"M-me too," Jungkook whispered.

Jimin looked up to meet his gaze, eyes watering.

Slowly Jimin asked, "W-who?"

Then Jungkook took a deep breath. He remembered the boys smile, his laugh, the way this hand fit around his. Jungkook remembered how he would always say "I love you".


Jimin bit his lip. Of course, of course it was Tae. It was painfully obvious the past couple weeks for him. Even so he could feel his stomachs twist with sadness.

"Yeah," Jimin sighed, "I knew that."

Jungkook took a deep breath, he needed to be completely honest.

"He kissed me," he said.

Jimin then stared at him, eyes widened as a tear ran down his cheek.

"W-what?" he choked out, his voice sounding broken.

"On Christmas, Tae kissed me and I.. and I didn't stop him," Jungkook confessed.

Jimin didn't say anything. He only stared at Jungkook as silent tears rolled down his face.

Jungkook felt the knot in his throat expand as the silence grew on.

"P-please," He said, "Say something Jiminie."

Jimin then stood up, "I-I think I need to go." He said quickly dashing for the door.

Jungkook leaped up, grabbing his forearm.

"Wait, you can't just leave," He cried, "What about us? You said you had feelings too."

Jimin paused for a moment looking at Jungkook, eyes threatening to spill with tears. He looked down before responding.

"Yes, I have feelings for someone else," Jimin muttered, "But I never cheated."

Jungkook let out a chocked sob at his words, tears now dripping down his cheeks. Jimin was also softly crying, not meeting Jungkook's eyes.

"I'm sorry," Jimin whispered.

"I need to go, I can't be with you right now."

Jimin tugged his arm from Jungkook's grasp as he quickly exited the dark room. Jungkook was left nearly sobbing.

He ran his hand through his hair as his body sank to the ground, back against the bed. Jungkook sniffled as he tries to wipe away the continuous tears.

Taehyung appeared in the doors second later.

He stiffened at the sight out Jungkook. Red eyes, puffy cheeks, and shaking.

He quickly made his way over, engulfing the boy in a tight hug. Jungkook cried into Taehyung's shoulder as he weakly tried to wrap his arms around him.

Taehyung rubbed small circles on his back in attempt to calm the boy down. Jungkook soon calmed down, only sniffling in the crook of Taehyung's neck.

"Taehyung," he cried softly.

"What did I do?"


y'all i'm sad :((((

also, i had to do this fast cuz of all of the comments not liking jikook. and tbh i never really shipped jikook until i wrote this and they're cute >:(

also i think ima just update how ever long I want. I usually aim for around 1000 words but it's kind of a struggle, sorry

but anyways hope u enjoyed bye

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